The MINI is a very popular platform for customizers the world over. While most take their cues from a street racer, tuner scene aesthetic, Polish custom car firm Carlex has gone in a very different direction with a brown leather and brass clad steampunk Countryman. Featuring the obligatory brass accents and clockwork in every nook and cranny, the photos lead us to believe that Carlex wants people to know they can do more than just custom leather upholstery. While primarily focused on the car’s interior, Carlex also pushed the theme to the exterior — setting copper wheels and trim against flat dark silver paint (or possibly vinyl). For added Jules Verne-inspired fun, their model isn’t your typical “booth babe” either. Full gallery after the jump.
[Source: Carlex]
<p>Just amazing! Love it!</p>
<p>woah! nice.</p>
<p>Love this one too! Not normally a fan of these types of customizations, but this one just seems to work! Well, other than the clocks(?) in the seats?</p>
<p>Wow! I’d like the car and the model, please</p>
<p>very cool interior love the slightly distressed brass color
Exterior is ok but the wheel are just pants, like some bad 70s huggy bear wheels – yuck!!!!</p>
<p>I like the stitching on the seats. Reminds me of ‘baseball glove option’ on an early Audi TT.</p>
<p>I love this! I’ve got to find a way to get myself a steam punk coupe :)</p>
<p>I dig the fender flares. The rest is meh.</p>