
**Official Release:** With only five days left until MINI ON THE MACK, where MINI owners from across the country will attempt to break the world record for the largest-ever parade of MINIs, the team at MINI USA and MINI of Grand Rapids need only 292 more MINIs to officially break the record and chalk up another chapter of MINI history. There are currently 1,159 MINIs registered for the world record attempt, which currently stands at 1,450.

[MINI USA]( and [MINI of Grand Rapids](, with the help of the St. Ignace Events Committee, is hoping to make history on Saturday, August 1st for the ‘MINI ON THE MACK’ parade. To break the world record, MINI owners will gather with their MINIs in Mackinaw City, MI, and motor northwards in a convoy along Interstate 75 and complete a mass crossing of Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge. The official car count will be taken as the parade of MINIs cross the iconic 26,372 feet long, 500 feet high span of Moran Bay.

This is the second attempt at the world record for the largest parade of MINIs. In 2013, the brand had 848.5 vehicles attend the event.

The current Guinness Record was set in 2009 in the UK by the London & Surrey Mini Owners Club, which brought together 1,450 MINI cars to fill the historic 2-mile auto racing circuit around the famous Crystal Palace park in the UK’s capital city.

To become part of the biggest-ever MINI parade, owners should register at []( to secure their spot at the event. The registration fee (Adults $25 – Children $15), covers bridge crossing toll, event set-up, mementos, lunch, music, shuttle service in St. Ignace and entrance to the Bayside Music Festival.

MINI USA also recently announced next year’s dates for the popular cross-country owners’ rally, [MINI TAKES THE STATES]( (MTTS). MTTS 2016 will kick off on Saturday, July 9, 2016, and finish on Saturday, July 23, 2016. The route will be announced at a later date.