Taking a page from other sites out there MotoringFile is dropping its first official T-shirt offering just in time for the dog days of summer. Partnering with Teespring, we’re bringing you five different tees in total:
– Teespring premium tee (Men)
– American Apparel Crew (Men)
– American Apparel Tri-blend (Men)
– American Apparel Tri-blend (Women)
– Bella Flowy Tank (Women)
The only rub – they’ll only be available until next Sunday. Once the deadline passes the order books close and you’ll have to wait for the next batch.
<p>Hi Robert – it’s actually there but only under the Teespring premium Tee. We chose to offer several different types of t-shirts for this first time. However some colors aren’t available on some versions.</p>
<p>We went with the premium shirts for this first round to make sure the quality was up to our standards. We may investigate cheaper alternatives next time but in my experience you get what you often pay for when it comes to this stuff.</p>
<p>Just noticed the logo on the shirt is slightly different from the one on the website. I think I like the shirt one better, a little easier to make out the M.</p>
<p>V1 (on the shirt) has secretly been around for awhile and thus was ready to go earlier for the shirt. V2 is in the site and will be everywhere going forward. In context of the site it works because of the URL and of course content all around it. On clothing it will work because it’s a bit more abstract and interesting. Outside of those areas it’ll be accompanied by the name.</p>
<p>Hiya Gabe, haven’t been here in a long while now that I own a Abarth/500. I like the new logo Gabe and the site is a nice fresh clean look. Nice. I just directed a new MINI owner your way, he also owns a Abarth.</p>
<p>I may be switching back to a MINI if Fiat doesn’t bring out the Fiat X in an Abarth edition then I might get a Countryman, which may happen anyway if the X is a dog handling wise. Been in a small hatch since 2002, tired of it.</p>
<p>I have to say my MINI days were more fun than my Fiat days have been, customer wise. It’s a different crowd over here. Don’t get me wrong my 2012 Abarth is a really fun car to drive more like my 2004 MINI than the MINIs after 2006. Once I did the Abarth Track Day I learned how to drive the car and once I added the 28mm anti torsion bar it all came together.</p>
<p>RED is in the promo above and Available in Premium T.</p>
<p>Hi Robert – it’s actually there but only under the Teespring premium Tee. We chose to offer several different types of t-shirts for this first time. However some colors aren’t available on some versions.</p>
<p>Love the shirts and logo!</p>
<p>I clicked the link to go buy one but after shipping it was going to be $30! That’s a lot of money for a t-shirt.</p>
<p>We went with the premium shirts for this first round to make sure the quality was up to our standards. We may investigate cheaper alternatives next time but in my experience you get what you often pay for when it comes to this stuff.</p>
<p>I agree you often get what you pay for. I may just have to suck it up and shell out the money, I really do like how they look ;)</p>
<p>I’m still sporting my “pre-motoringfile” shirt.. Now officially a collectors item ;-)</p>
<p>Those were the days.</p>
<p>Just noticed the logo on the shirt is slightly different from the one on the website. I think I like the shirt one better, a little easier to make out the M.</p>
<p>V1 (on the shirt) has secretly been around for awhile and thus was ready to go earlier for the shirt. V2 is in the site and will be everywhere going forward. In context of the site it works because of the URL and of course content all around it. On clothing it will work because it’s a bit more abstract and interesting. Outside of those areas it’ll be accompanied by the name.</p>
<p>Hiya Gabe, haven’t been here in a long while now that I own a Abarth/500. I like the new logo Gabe and the site is a nice fresh clean look. Nice. I just directed a new MINI owner your way, he also owns a Abarth.</p>
<p>I may be switching back to a MINI if Fiat doesn’t bring out the Fiat X in an Abarth edition then I might get a Countryman, which may happen anyway if the X is a dog handling wise. Been in a small hatch since 2002, tired of it.</p>
<p>Have a great day RB of TwistyBitz.</p>
<p>It’ll be great to have you back :)</p>
<p>I have to say my MINI days were more fun than my Fiat days have been, customer wise. It’s a different crowd over here. Don’t get me wrong my 2012 Abarth is a really fun car to drive more like my 2004 MINI than the MINIs after 2006. Once I did the Abarth Track Day I learned how to drive the car and once I added the 28mm anti torsion bar it all came together.</p>
<p>Always enjoyed your blog and your style.</p>