Cheerios in the Cupholder

The Ask Chad, kind of, show. Since Hank is in need of a battery, Chad helps us out with all of the information you could need about replacing your battery in a 2nd or 3rd generation MINI Cooper. We get through that and move on to news like BMW getting into the ride share game, talking about city bikes like we do on Ride Bikes Radio, which leads us into a discussion about ride sharing vs driving. There will be a post at dbmini this week about bikes and MINIs too.

Remember, don’t be that guy. The guy that asks about #MTTS2018 graphics days before the event. Don’t be that guy that doesn’t know where you send people to get them either! Click that link to check out MotoringStripes to get all your #MTTS2018 graphics and your customer Rally Decals! Do not delay! And you guys have been checking out Cravenspeed, OutMotoring and MNIdoMore, right? Besides our fine Black Roof Radio club members, it’s our sponsors that keep us running, keep us growing and help to keep us awesome! Check them out, won’t you?


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