Photo of the Week (1.13.03)

This was taken during out December MINI drive as we were heading through Chicago (via Lakeshore Drive) on our way to the western suburbs. The fog was just lifting from the lake... :::: new design launched

I officially launched the site last week but I can now say that the design and layout has been finally been finalized. Thanks for bearing with me during the changes. Many thanks...

Loaners at MINI Dealers…Coming Soon?

I’ve recently heard that Knauz MINI (of Lake Bluff, IL) will start offering actual MINI loaners in the coming months to owners with cars in the shop. Has anyone else heard of...

Photo of the Week

I found this while doing some spring cleaning to my server this morning. I took it the Saturday I went down to the TireRack to get my new tires (215/45/17) and have...

New Movies and Photo Pages

With the redesign of the site I’ve added several new commercials from around the world; one, two, and three new quicktime films from MINI Japan and one from MINI Canada. I’ve also...