New Motoring Accessories from MINI

There are some notable additions to the accessory line-up being offered at your local MINI dealer. They're listed here but can also be found in the new “Motoring Accessories” Brochure. Sport Exhaust...

Seven Extraordinary Lives and a Shuttle Lost

Here is a good selection of links put together by Dave Winer on his weblog Scripting News about todays tragedy. Heres an animated radar image (2mb) over Texas this morning. (thanks Tom...

The MINI Cooper RS?

There's been several people recently that claim to have heard information on the new Cooper RS. The rumor is that it'll be a car that MINI produces in house and will have...

New MINI Options Coming Soon?

The buzz over at is that there will be a couple new options and add-ons in the UK available in late February and March. Whether or not these will be factory...

Extra Brakelight Modification Instructions

By popular demand a couple of us have created extra brake light mod instructions. They detail how you can turn your unused rear fog lights into two new rear brake lights. It’s...

The January Drive Photos

You can see the rest here. Thanks everyone for such a great drive. I can’t wait for the temp to hit double digits for our next one! Enjoy.

The New MINI designer speaks

New MINI designer (now Ferrari/Maserati head designer) Frank Stephenson has an interview in this weeks Autoweek. Among the things he touched on was the process for the design conception of the new...

Chicago Drive Update

While it looks as if there might be a slight dusting of snow tonight by no means will that keep us from the drive. We’ll still be meeting at 8 and plan...

New Mini Car Market Set to Emerge in U.S.

“Could Detroit be on the verge of falling behind the curve in another hot new market segment? The answer should come in short order, as offshore-based auto makers begin to bring some...