MTTS 2012: Day 3 and 4

Day 3 starts early for MTTS! 6:00 am at Charlotte Motor Speedway for a quick breakfast, a sight of the new B-Spec MINIs (that can be built for about $US6,000 plus tires,...

MTTS 2012 Day 1 & 2

Good evening from MTTS2012! Tonight finds us in Charlotte, NC after attending a fabulous party that Hendrick MINI and MINIUSA put on for the owners at NC Music Factory. This event, like...

White Roof Radio #429

Lots of show for you on MTTS eve eve. Lots of show. A very large portion of that is getting caught up on news from MotoringFile. Some really great things covered including...

Matt Nathanson to Join MINI Takes the States in LA

MTTS starts next week! As we continue to receive updates, we'll keep sharing them! We've got more information about the headlining act in LA at the final stop of MTTS 2012 below. We discussed this during <a href="">Woofcast 428</a>, along with a few other things.

MINI Takes the States 2012 Updates

<img src="" alt="" title="mtts_12_small" width="640" height="427" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-24601" /> With less than 30 days until the largest MINI event happening in the United States, White Roof Radio and MotoringFile are getting very excited! So is MINIUSA and they have provided some more details for us to share with you!

MTTS 2012 Update

Todd and db had the opportunity to speak with Caryn Grun, MINI Events Manager for MINI USA along with Michael Johnston, a Para-Triathlon athlete competing in the 2016 Para Olympics, live from...

Breaking: MINI Takes the States Details

Not long ago, official MTTS details appeared on MINI USA’s Facebook page. What you see above are the official route and destination dates. Here is the text version: Day 1 – Wed...