White Roof Radio Podcast #52

Starting the week with news of Todd’s sunroof explosion and a new contest! New badges are on the way and we are looking for our friends in the military with interesting mounting...

Motoringfile/Whiteroofradio News Update

A short news special about the upcoming MINI GP, including announced specifications plus a few things we have heard. Also, as much information that we have about the Monterey Delivery option. Check...

White Roof Radio Podcast #50

Here we are with #50. We can’t believe it either! Thanks for sticking around and listening. We do appreciate it! db drives an x3, Todd tries to eat ice while podcasting and...

White Roof Radio Podcast #49

Wow! Really sneaking up on that #50 show! We fight bad connections to bring your our final recap of AMVIV III (the stuff we missed on #46) and the new Motoringfile Grille...

White Roof Radio Podcast #48

We’re back from Vegas! We again start with about the weakest openings ever and the 2nd try was almost worse. Problems with Gabe’s bathroom remodel and math get in the way and...

White Roof Radio Podcast #47

Live from Vegas under the Webb Motorsports tent! Todd, db and Michael do a little show from AMVIV III followed by a short recap of the weekend. Oh yea, it’s a long...

White Roof Radio Podcast #45

We revisit audio options for you MINI. Check the shownotes link for links to products mentioned. We also announce the first ever WhiteRoofRadio contest! We need you to call in those detail...

White Roof Radio Podcast #44

Sneaking up on #50 ( ! ) We review numbers for the month so far, answer some listener feedback, tease you about the next contest and wish Todd a happy birthday! Yes,...

White Roof Radio Podcast #43

Second show of the week we are calling the FAQ show, kinda. We spent some time review MINI abbreviations, terms and other things that pretty much annoy us. Oh yea, and Todd’s...

White Roof Radio Podcast #42

We discussed some numbers, Todd shaving his head and db keeping everyone on track. Plus we reviewed our first audio comment left at (206) 33-WHITE! Todd can’t make the dragon and will...