Here's a quick review from new contributor Rob Jones on the new JCW upgrade kit for the '02-'04 JCW Cooper S. The kit brings final output to 210hp through the use of improved injectors, new air intake, and an updated ECU.
I have written a few reviews for various mods and don't claim to write gospel but in my opinion this has to be the best mod I have purchased so far….and its all covered by warranty!
I had the upgarde done to my 200bhp JCW MCS this morning down at John Cooper Garages….
From the off in 1st gear and into second the difference is immense! It is so much more “squirty”….begging you to plant the throttle. All the way through the gears and especially in 4th the pick up is fab….it is almost like JCW have dug out an extra 6 inches behind the go-go pedal because when you floor it at the right time it throws you back in your seat like the Works kit always should have done!
When it reaches the 4500rpm the car acts like it has a turbo as the needle flies up through 5000 and 6000 and all the way up to the red line it lurches like a caged beast with the fantastic sound produced all the way through but most grin factor is reached at the top end of the rev counter!! This upgrade has turned my beloved JCW MCS into a new car. I cannot recommend this upgrade enough to my fellow JCW owners as I assure you, you wont be disappointed! I also got the John Cooper Works door sill plates while I was there too…
It was worth the wait and yes its £400….and yes they might be milking the cash cow that is JCW but it is very much worth it!!
Future news: I took a look at their new brochure which should be coming out in the next month and they will be producing a new Carbon Fibre Sports Spoiler, CF bonnet scoop and CF boot handle cover for all you CF lovers, together with Works brake upgrade with full warranty approval but the brakes wont be available until the end of the year.
So thats been my day so far. I am off to burn some fuel down the A3…!
It may be worth noting that this kit is not available for an MCS that doesn't have the original JCW kit ('02 through '04). However the intake itself will be available as a standalone item and is rumored to give about 5hp to a stock MCS. Obviously it won't have the same feel as the full upgrade kit.
This review was initially posted on MINI2 and appears on MotoringFile courtesy of Rob.
<p>Always a great news to hear about the JCW kit. Only if I had the money…</p>
<p>That's great news! What is the 0-100 for the 05 MCS? (Considering the 2005 Mini Cooper S has revised gear ratios for improved acceleration, and now JCW has slighly more power.)</p>
<p>Has anyone seen a US dealer price (installed) for this?</p>
<p>I would just like a date of release.
All of these John Cooper Parts seem to be up in the air in terms of US avail. It seems like there is demand. Hope to see it soon. seems like a no brainer for anyone that already owns a JCW Kit. (price pending).</p>
<p>So the 05 jcw w/new cold air intake is 215 hp? What about the aftermarket intakes that boast 12-16 hp? Does mini make inferior upgrades? The aftermarket intake go for about $50 on e-bay.</p>
<p>I spent way to much money for my MCS JCW to put anything but MINI or JCW parts on my car. If you're on a budget or unlimited cash, in the long term, stay with MINI Parts for warranty and future upgrades and resale and…can't wait to get my hands on the up-grades!</p>
<p>gz – typically parts like a cold air intake are rated much higher than the actual output they give. Frankly I wouldn't trust most companies numbers from the aftermarket. There are only a few I trust… JCW being one of them.</p>
<p>This upgrade kit should be free to all those that don't dyno at 200cHP</p>
<p>In general I think an intake upgrade is a good addition to the JCW kit ( I have owned 2 MCS WORKS cars. ) My 04' MCS Works has the Dinan intake and the throttle response is much improved. I can not wait to add the JCW upgrade. To what extent do the injectors & software mods contribute to the improved performance?
-Also will the bigger injectors degrade the excellent fuel economy?</p>
<p>The upgrade is obviously fitted to the JCW kit as the review states… Is this still available for the 'older' cars or if we haven't gone JCW yet have we missed the boat..? Not that I've got the $$$ right now, but I'd be interested to know if they're cutting us off to try to push us into an 05 rather than an 02 + original JCW + upgrade</p>
<p>This kit is for any MCS with the JCW kit that was fitted to '02-'04 cars. If you don't have the kit you can't get the upgrade.</p>
Gavin asks an interesting question relative to the owners of 02-04 MCS. Is MINI still going to offer a JCW Kit for these model year cars?</p>
<p>I know that MINI dealers were trying to get rid of “old stock” with the 05 Kits soon to arrive, but if the owner of an 02-04 decides that they want to upgrade their car to a JCW now, will the JCW Kit for these earlier cars be obtainable from BMW/MINI…or are they out of luck, and have to start scouring the MINI dealers across the US to find one that still has an older Kit in stock?</p>
<p>Thanks Sean – I had not heard confirmation on that yet.</p>
<p>Just to try to clear a few things up…</p>
<li><p>I had a BMP intake on my JCW MCS prior to getting the JCW upgrade and it was nothing like this new upgrade and the BMP claimed 10-12bhp. Thats just nonsense!! </p></li>
<li><p>They dont change the fuel incjectors, but they add 2 new ones in addition as part of the upgrade so yes, I imagine fule economy will worsen. But hey, if you have to think about fuel economy you shouldnt be driving a JCW MCS. (Especially not over here in the UK!!)</p></li>
<li><p>New JCW kits will contain the airbox and injectors etc. This upgrade is an opportunity for pre '05 Works current owners (such as myself) to attain the extra 10bhp that the new kits will include. And to make some cash! In the UK, the Works kit will now be 210bhp but the idea is the price won't change.</p></li>
<li><p>The fuel injectors play a bit part in the feel of the new kit 210hp kit compared to the 200hp kit and the airbox helps the top end speed and lovely noise! If you do not have any Works kit at all, you can still fit the new JCW airbox to a MCS but thats all you get, the airbox but no new fuel injectors or ECU update. You WILL NOT experience the same behaviour and the rumoured increase is about 5hp for non Works cars.</p></li>
<p>Hope I have cleared a few things up.</p>
<p>Rob Jones. (Screename: 'Jones' on <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>)</p>
<p>gabe, when will the brake and suspension upgrades reach american dealers?</p>
<p>Anyone know if you can order only the injectors and ECU upgrade (don't need/want the new air intake, already have a K&N CAI) I have an '04 JCW MCS with a 15% Mini Mania pulley and CAI.</p>
<p>Tap, tap,tap,tap,tap, – the sound my foot is making whilst awaiting the 05 JCW kit. Still on back-order according to my MA.</p>
Thanks – I didn't know the '05 JCW kit fitted pre-'05 cars. Is that confirmed anywhere…? I know the early exhaust won't fit new cars, so some things have changed / moved. I guess it's easy to make an adapter for a new exhaust to an older car…</p>
<p>2 more injectors… so that's how they do it – a 6 cylinder upgrade..! ;)</p>
<p>Oh, never mind… I see the pricing further up the news page now..!
Catching up after a week away from a computer!</p>
<p>the performance upgrade sounds great… better than great actually!! … but are the ordinary Cooper S brakes enough to harness in the car at high speed … or are there brake upgrade mods too available at JCW?</p>