MINI2 has the scoop on what could be a late model special edition to the MINI. Here's an excerpt:

Details are sketchy, but production numbers look set to be limited to around 4,000 cars, which will be very basic in specification (to keep weight down) and will include many unique carbon fibre components to keep the weight of the Cooper S to an absolute minimum.

You can read more at MINI2.

MF analysis: Those that are familiar with BMW's history know that the idea of a special edition model towards the end of a model's production run is a common procedure. It boosts interest in the brand in what is usually a slower sales period helps sell cars. And with BMW's new found interest in carbon fiber (check out the new M6 and carbon fiber roof) we could see something very interesting. The biggest questions would be specification and pricing. MINI has a fine line to walk in terms of what the public wants and what the public will pay… witness the MC40.