Here’s an excerpt from the London Times article:
BMW is to invest 100 million Pounds to upgrade the Cowley motor works outside Oxford where the Mini is made, it was announced today.
The decision, based on the new Mini’s sales success, will create around 200 jobs. The investment will fund a new body shell production building and modernisation of the paintshop at the plant.
The plant’s managing director, Dr Anton Heiss, said: “It’s not just the high quality of vehicles produced here, but also the customer focus and production flexibility that have played such a major role in the car’s success.
[ BMW’s major Mini investment ] The London Times
<p>the Times had another article today as well
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>,,12389-1486749,00.html</p>
<p>It’s great that BMW is seeing the huge potential that they have in MINI. Good that it creates more jobs, too!</p>
<p>bin gerade auf die Mini Webseite geraten und wollte mich mal erkundigen, ob es denn evtl. Moeglichkeiten gibt, in Vancouver bei Mini zu jobben?!
Ich bin 26 Jahre alt, vor 3 Wochen nach Vancouver gekommen und werde vorraussichtlich bis Mitte Juli 2005 bleiben.</p>
<p>Wuerde mich sehr freuen, von Ihnen zu hoeren.</p>
<p>Julia Voeste (gelernte Hotelfachfrau!)</p>