‘Tis the season for the MotoringFile HQ to go a little quiet over the next couple of days. But don’t worry, we’ve got a few classics lined up for you that are sure to entertain. So on with the seasonal content and re-runs!

For all those that have a little time on their hands this holiday season, MINIUSA has some MINI related fun for you. The MINI Snowman Jump Game lets you propel Frosty into the back of a Cabrio in wintry style, with holiday music to go along with his cries of pain. Don't forget to hit keys 5-9 for some mid-air tricks.

[ Snowman
Jump Game

And for everyone that is looking for some very last second Holiday Card ideas, let me introduce you to Motoringcards.com. With dozens of great MINI related photos it’s a great way to spread some MINI love.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the MotoringFile crew!