And the total number of those registered for this year’s largest MINI event in North America….(drum roll please)… 612. Of course there will be dozens more there that haven’t registered so the number of MINI owners enjoying the fine winding roads of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee may be closer to 650.
Walk-in registration is still available at the event but you’ll probably want to get your lodging squared away before making any last minute decision to head out.
Related: [ MotoringFile at MINIs on the Dragon 2006 ] MotoringFile
wow, and I thought the 200 at MINIsonTop was alot.
Seems it has about doubled every year… next year 1200?
If that happens it will be time to stay home. The area and logistics will not handle it.
Its gunna rain, kinda bummed about that.
I understand that the 600+ at the dragon is people, not MINIs – so this compares with 500 people at MINIsOnTop; not quite so big but just as much fun 🙂
Road & Track had an nice article on Deal’s Gap in their latest issue. Sure to draw more law, is my take, but if carving is your game, get it while you can, I guess.
Rob in Dago
Yes the number above are people – not cars. However I would guess we’ll see well over 300 MINIs there.
On the scenic drive event, there is about 1.6 people per car. If you can apply this figure against the 612 people registered (not a perfect estimate by any means, but it’s probably close), this might suggest 382 or so MINIs on the Dragon this year.
I would think that the scenic drive would attract more couples (and kids) than other events like autocross, making my estimate of 382 on the low side. I also doubt that all of the people in the car are official registrants, skewing my data even lower. Like I said, it isn’t perfect, but at least it’s data.
I’d give my right arm to go… maybe I could be one of those 0.6 people!
<blockquote>I would think that the scenic drive would attract more couples (and kids) than other events like autocross, making my estimate of 382 on the low side. I also doubt that all of the people in the car are official registrants, skewing my data even lower. Like I said, it isn’t perfect, but at least it’s data.</blockquote>
I think I read somewhere that you have to have a basic registration to attend events and ride in Dragon drives.
Actually, the number of independent registrations purchased is 487. That count does not include the “additional” registrations purchased at the same time (i.e. +1, +2, etc.). If we can reasonably assume 1 MINI (or Mini) per independent registration, then 487 MINI/Minis is a satisfactory estimate. And yes, as Gabe noted, that does not include the people who chose not to register at all, nor does it include walk-in registrations (which will make the official 612 number higher by the time the event is over).
Of course, there are some who we know can’t make it, but since they cancelled after the refund deadline, their names are still counted in the 612.
487 remains my estimate, at least until afterwards when we include the walk-ins!
Can someone give me a good address to find out how to get to this place? I’m having troubles finding a usable address for mapquest etc. Where do you stay down there? At the Fontana Village? I think if we want to go next year I’m going to have to call a year in advance to make reservations! Sounds like it would be a lot of fun! The road trip to join a bunch of Mini enthusiasts for another road trip! Lol!
Actually an address or GPS coordinates would be great. Anyone???
Just go to:
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a>
Most people try to stay at Fontana. AtlantaMINIS pretty much boooks up Tapoco Lodge. There are other accomodations in the area as well.
I certainly wish I could join in the Dragon. But it asks for money and time that I don’t have.
I’d love to know the total number of cars but that will be tough, I think I unsuccessfully tried to find out last year as well.
MOT charges per person for the ride, and is way up in the corner of the US, so it doesn’t quite have as broad an audience, yet still gets 500 people.
All of these huge events are sheer amazing sights. The cars in a lot probably outnumber even the oxford factory.
Just use [Fontana Dam, NC](<a href=",+nc&om=1" rel="nofollow ugc">,+nc&om=1</a>); that’s the mailing address of Fontana Village. The intersection of 129 and 28 is just due West of there.
Oh yeah… with regard to the growth rate, it did double (or more) for the first few years… I don’t have the exact numbers handy, but these are guesstimates from memory:
MOTD1 (2003) – 86 ?
MOTD2 (2004) – 172 ?
MOTD3 (2005) – 407 ?
MOTD4 (2006) – 612 (before walk-ins)
So it basically doubled UNTIL this year, where it was about a 50% gain. I don’t think we’ll hit 1,200 next year, but 800 or 900 is feasible…
It’s great to see that this event has steadily increased over the years.
How big can it get in that venue is the next question.