We’re happy to announce two new full pages of MotoringFile magnetic badges this week. For all you who like to make a statement while driving the MINI, we’ve finally heard your pleas and we have your badges! Due to popular demand many of these new “statement” badges come in three different colors as well: black/white, black/silver, white/black.

Then for the folks who spend time at the track we’ve created SCCA class badges. Perfect to add that subtle little touch of motorsport to your MINI.

And yes, finally we’ve created a Nürburgring badge. I’ll go on record and say this one is my new personal favorite.


You can take a closer look at the badges by clicking on each and you can buy the badge (or badges) of your choice by clicking on the button to the left. The new badges are all on pages four and five.

You can get your official MINI grille badge holder (part #: 51 13 0 406 752) at any one of the MotoringFile sponsors below:

Knauz MINI (mention MF and get 20% off) (verified in stock)
Patrick MINI
Morristown MINI (lists for 20% off)
MINI of Manhattan