We’re happy to announce two new full pages of MotoringFile magnetic badges this week. For all you who like to make a statement while driving the MINI, we’ve finally heard your pleas and we have your badges! Due to popular demand many of these new “statement” badges come in three different colors as well: black/white, black/silver, white/black.
Then for the folks who spend time at the track we’ve created SCCA class badges. Perfect to add that subtle little touch of motorsport to your MINI.
And yes, finally we’ve created a Nürburgring badge. I’ll go on record and say this one is my new personal favorite.
You can take a closer look at the badges by clicking on each and you can buy the badge (or badges) of your choice by clicking on the button to the left. The new badges are all on pages four and five.
You can get your official MINI grille badge holder (part #: 51 13 0 406 752) at any one of the MotoringFile sponsors below:
Knauz MINI (mention MF and get 20% off) (verified in stock)
Patrick MINI
Morristown MINI (lists for 20% off)
MINI of Manhattan
Beautiful – thank you! I noticed there’s no option to purchase these in sticker form.
Todd, if you’re reading: On Pages 4 & 5, the link to Page 3 on the bottom are broken (just needs an “s” after “badge”). =)
Love the new badges!
Sweet, you guys used my idea about the SCCA classes I feel special now 🙂
(I want 10%)
I know it’s Vintage now, but I’d love “C Sedan” and “D Sedan” SCCA class badges.
Rob in Dago
These badges are just phenomenal. AWESOME… I think you just hit your prime on these badges.
Its beyond the LOVE for these badges…
Dangit Gabe! I just bought some of these. Now I need to order more haha
Good job on the badges!
I’m still waiting for an ASC OFF badge.
How about designing one for the MTTS folks. I need to get the Nurburgring, very nice.
Mad props, Gabe. More great designs for a great concept.
Just throwing an idea out there for Gabe and Todd, how about a same-size magnetic backer that would let you attach the magnetic badges to glass (backer on one side of the window, badge on the other) so that you could display a badge(s) across the back window or somewhere else on the car. I just HATE putting stickers on a car and I wouldn’t want to permanently put a sticker on a car anywhere – plus stickers lack the at-a-whim replaceability of the magnetic. But it would be nice to sport a new and different badge now and again in a quarter window or on the boot glass. And as strong as Todd has described the magnet stock to be, two pulling toward each other ought to be plenty to keep it on the car.
Of course now that I think about it, one could simply use a second badge for that purpose.
I’ve just had a further burst of inspiration. How about a MotoringFile / WWR/ Todd’sMods / OutMotoring.com grill badge design contest? (perhaps a shorter name would be in order) Let people make submissions and tally votes in MF. Then the winner gets the first of the badge they designed, a holder from OutMotiring if they don’t already have one, and of course some awesome street cred. An idea, for what it’s worth – could be fun.
Seeing that the FIFA World Cup begins this week, how about team badges ie England (not the Union Jack, but the shield with the lions on them), Brazil (the one that says ‘BRASIL’ on it), Germany, Portugal, etc?
I really one something like the one that the England team has on their jerseys/jackets etc, but of course I don’t know if there may be copyright issues involved.
I still don’t understand where these go — do they magnetically attach to the grill somehow? I agree with Nathaniel that glass-oriented versions might be more pragmatic. The company I work for uses glass stickers for parking, and they attach to the windshield using a static charge somehow. I’ve never had it fall off, either, even after moving it a few times.
petsounds check out the pic here on my blog:
<a href="http://mini.mdsbrain.com/?p=175" rel="nofollow ugc">http://mini.mdsbrain.com/?p=175</a>
It shows the badge holders attached to my grill.
Here the badges are magnetically attached to the badge holders:
<a href="http://mini.mdsbrain.com/?p=176" rel="nofollow ugc">http://mini.mdsbrain.com/?p=176</a>
I hope this helps clear things up. Thank you Gabe for letting me post links to my blog on yours.
Sweet mother. Gabe and Todd, you guys rock!! Todd, have you had a chance to put up a webpage for my club’s badges yet?
Nathaniel, I love your idea for a contest. Not because I have any great ideas, but because I’d love to see a ton more ideas/designs.
petsounds, these badges are meant for the OEM Grille Badge Holder available from MINI. Look up in this article for the part number and MotoringFile.com sponsors from whence it can be ordered.
Ohhhh, I need to get a second order out soon 🙂
I just bought the black Actual Size badge, look forward to getting it!
By the way that Buy Now button [looks familiar](<a href="http://www.apple.com/macmini" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.apple.com/macmini</a>)
I’d like to see an “L-plate” version for all the newbies out there (me included!).
Here’s an explanation of what an L-plate is for those of you who don’t know. Very British…
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-plate" rel="nofollow ugc">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L-plate</a>
Awesome badges!!!
I’d submit a badge or two IF there were a contest.
Noice! I love the Nürburgring one. 🙂
Will place an order for six soon – so many good ones to pick from, just have to decide which six! Might be an order for 12. Got to clear off space on the fridge so I can pick which one each day on the way out the door, oh ya and order a holder. Great stuff guys.
How about the words “Tested on” on the Nurburgring one? I second the Brasil idea.
Instead of magnetic backer to attach these to glass – that may or may not hold well enough, how about also producing the badges on that type of “cling” plastic that sticks to glass. Then badges could be put on the inside of the glass, and easily changed as the mood strikes?
Fantastic additions to the collection. I ordered 6 more yesterday. I can’t wait for the next set, I’m sure you have something great in store for us.
Also, I think the contest idea is a good one. Hope you can make it happen.
Already got six. Probably order another six. A collection is forming. How about a retro one, like the bumper sticker from the 60’s, “You’ve just been MINI’D”. Could just slap it on the boot.
Would like to see the new badges as stickers similar to the older ones. There are a couple that I’d like for my windows.
Keep up the good work.
anyone know if you can get the holders in the UK?
“Yes Its Fast. No you can’t drive” Don’t you mean “. . . can’t drive it”? Just wonderin’
>Don’t you mean “. . . can’t drive it“? Just wonderin’
are these new badges going to be offered in sticker form?
Please! More flags!
Start with Norway.. or at least work on the FIFA badges!
>are these new badges going to be offered in sticker form?
Yes – we’ll have them next week.
>Please! More flags! Start with Norway.. or at least work on the FIFA badges!
Yes – we’ll have them next week 🙂
shhhh. be careful or FIFA’s lawyers will be all over you.
>shhhh. be careful or FIFA’s lawyers will be all over you.
I’ll steer away from Flags aren’t copywritten
Please make one that says “MMM, DONUTS” for Robert in Toronto!
Long time reader, first time writer. Great website!!! I like the idea of a contest for the Grill Badges. I ordered my first 3 this past Friday. The wife doesn’t know yet 😉 Is there anyone else making the badges? I know that MINI would not have made the holder just for Motoringflie, but they could have.
>I know that MINI would not have made the holder just for Motoringflie, but they could have.
MINI created these holders for the MINI Motoring Hearts campaign and were not intended to be used with magnetic badges. However Todd and I came up with the idea of using fairly strong magnets to adhere ineexpensive badges that people could swap out. But inexspensive doesn’t mean cheap – each badge is created with UV coating so Sun won’t fade them over time. And the magnet isn’t just some fridge magnet that you can easily buy at any store. These are extra strong and designed to remain secure well over 100mph.
So no – MINI USA didn’t make this holder for MotoringFile. We just made it ours 🙂
As of this past weekend, the magnets are track tested to 120+ MPH by our friend Brian Lalor. The DSC off badge held strong for two days and in the rain on Sunday. I think Brian even changed out the badge a few times. I believe a Motoringfile badge was one that got “tested” at speed also.
Just thought I’d throw that out there. : )
Todd, you’re too kind, but I think I only hit 116 on the front straight yesterday. 😉 The unpadded wall off my right mirror kept me from getting on the gas sooner…
[](<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/blalor/165389245/in/set-72157594162019748/" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.flickr.com/photos/blalor/165389245/in/set-72157594162019748/</a>)
Track tested, MotoringFile approved!
Love the new ones…my holder has arrived and my first order for six is going in today.
Still holding my breath, though (please, please) for an Italian roundel. Looks very much like the RAF, only red white and green.
I have a 2002 MINI, but the badge holder claims:
This item fits years: 2003 – 2006.
Does anyone happen to know if it also will fit a 2002?
Also, are the “stickers” real stickers, or static stickers?
I have a 2002 MINI, but the badge holder claims:
This item fits years: 2003 – 2006.
Does anyone happen to know if it also will fit a 2002?
Also, are the “stickers†real stickers, or static stickers?
Can’t confirm the 2002 fit but I will check.
The stickers are adhesive back and weather safe for the windows on your car.
i have a 2002 and the badge holder works fine.
Thanks Todd! Thanks Mike! Love the badges and will be placing an order.
Can somebody explain the SCCA classes? I remember them being in a Podcast, but looking for that now… Well…
<p>Love the new badges!</p>
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