Next week, the fine state of Nebraska finally gets their very own MINI Cooper dealer!
>Pop-art colors stand out against matte-black at the new Markel Mini Cooper dealership. The colors correspond to the bright, toylike cars that will be displayed inside and around the building.
>The color scheme of the building that once housed Markel’s BMW dealership takes some getting used to, said owner Tim Markel. The colors were chosen by Mini Cooper’s design team as part of an all-new look for the British manufacturer’s U.S. dealerships.
I know this one has been a long time coming and should provide some relief to those of you in the area that have been visiting the dealer in Kansas City.
[ MINI Cooper Dealer a first for Nebraska ]
Congrats to Nebraska!
Can I be the first to ask “so when is a dealership coming to [xxx]?” where xxx=San Diego in my case. Took 75 minutes to get from the Escondido dealer to the outskirts of San Diego this morning – ugh.
But they did give me an ’07 MC as a loaner so it all evened out 🙂
When are we going to get a dealership in Boise??? I’m getting tired of the 400+ mile trek to Salt Lake City or Portland, OR. Don’t get me wrong, I love motoring whenever possible but with two MINI’s in the family it makes it tough when both need service done at the same time!
Congrats to them for finally getting a dealership out of MINI. DB, ask MINI when Alabama is going to get a dealership. :p
This is going to be so great. Those of us lucky enough to be near this dealer are in for a real treat. MINI was given full control over the redesign of this building. There will be a group going to the dealership on Saturday the 3rd of March at noon. If you are in the area and want to join please reach me on NAM at the screename Zyamfier. Should be a good crowd just started the list today and have 20 cars from the area showing up.
Stories likes these makes me appreciate the northeast a whole lot more….
or the southeast . . . yish- i b!tched when i had to make several trips to the dealer 30 minutes away. congratulations nebraska (wherever that is . . .) 😛
So, with the increase in production capacity will we be seeing many more dealerships? I live in the RDU area of NC which has a pretty high number of MINIs per capita, but the closest dealership is 90 miles away. I’m hoping to see a new MINI dealership here soon……
Woo Hoo!
I for one am ecstatic. Though I’ll miss running into Todd down in KC. I make the commute from Lincoln to Omaha every day anyway, so motoring an hour to the dealership will be no big deal at all. I’ve driven by it, and it’s pretty cool looking – lots of glass boxes protruding from the building with MINIs in them. It makes the dealership look like a giant display case. I’m excited to check it out inside. The guys at the body shop there at Markel also tell me that as of this week, the service department will be able to work on MINIs, so that’s a relief should anything come up. As I understand it, Markel won’t get any R56s until April, but will have 20 or so pre-spec’d R50/R53s available for purchase.
I wonder how long it will be until there’s a Chili Red MINI running around with big white Ns on it. As long as I’ve been here, I’ve never been able to get into the whole Husker thing.
And for those who don’t know, the N stands for “Nowledge.”
>Congrats to them for finally getting a dealership out of MINI. DB, ask MINI when Alabama is going to get a dealership. :p
I’ll see what I can do. Oh yea, Boise too 😉
J, you would think with the increase in production and the R56 being geared towards a larger market. MINI would open more dealers to allow for these new customers to have more of an opportunity to view and purchase the car. Most people aren’t nuts like we are and willing to make a vacation day out of getting the MINI serviced. 🙂
Thanks, DB.
Man, that is AWESOME! When I drive down to the Big Red Spring Game, I’m gonna be riding in my Little Red MCS, and I’ll stop by the new dealership for sure! More MINI’s tooling around the Husker Nation will be great fun!
Keep those dealerships coming!
I live in Nebraska and its been a long wait, but fanaly is here. the new dealer looks just like the mini website. I can’t wait for it to open
I still remembered looking in the MINI directory when I got my car. Its amazing how few states have a dealership. Cincinnati MINI is only a few miles from me, but the state of Kentucky, our neighbors to the south, and out of luck.
At least this is good for a lot of people. MINI worldwide domination is finally making new strides in the US
WOOT!!! I’ve been waiting for this. Now we don’t have to drive to Kansas City for regular scheduled maintenance. This is awesome. We may have to consider heading down to the dealership on the 3rd for the fun.
I think Mini should focus on getting at least one dealership in every state. It’s ridiculous that there are 2 dealerships in Atlanta & yet we have none in Alabama (even though we have a BMW dealer willing to build a stand-alone Mini dealership)
I’ve been told that MINI is opening 20 smaller service centers in the US. They are supposed to be located in areas with a high concentration of MINIs but not near a full dealer. You’re supposed to be able to get repairs and service and be able to order and take delivery of your new car.