Gabe makes a 2nd attempt at the intro, right after I did it. What do you think?
We start off talking about, of all things, coffee. Can’t believe Gabe uses splenda. That’s just not right.
Then, on to a bit of talk about AMVIV.
Then we talked about the future MINI models and all kinds of goodness after that.
AMVIV is this week! Watch for updates as fast as we can get them posted. I’m also going to try to get a twitter thing going over on the sidebar, so keep an eye out for that. Oh yea, keep an eye on the flickrs too, as I’m sure both myself and Gabe will be posting from our phones.
Speaking of future “on demand” engine systems (alternator, water pump, oil pump etc.)… aren’t some of those already operating in that manner on the current R56?
Speaking of future “on demand” engine systems (alternator, water pump, oil pump etc.)… aren’t some of those already operating in that manner on the current R56?