Great show – thanks everyone for watching and listening. Look for both of these to go live in Podcast form late Sunday and Monday respectively.
It’s early and apparently we’re ambitious because today we’re broadcasting live with video. Click below to get started.
Damn it! Uncle Sam’s blocking the feed 🙁 Oh well, y’all have a good show and I guess I’ll just have to wait until the “Cleaned up” version gets posted.
just joining you guys for half an hour… i have to get some food soon… 🙂 anyway, great idea…
Sorry I missed it… but I had a higher priority… I was out for drive in our ’06 JCW!!
So will we ever see a sister WRR site – such as propeller radio or something along that line to fit in with BF? 🙂
<blockquote>So will we ever see a sister WRR site – such as propeller radio or something along that line to fit in with BF? :-)</blockquote>
I sense for the anticipation for such an entity is palpable?
You can call it “Barn Door Radio” or “Club Door Radio” LOL