So it was in the UK using the Imperial Gallon, but still an impressive feat AutoExpress was able to pull off.
>That’s not the only trick up the John Cooper Works MINI’s sleeve, though. Despite packing enough punch to cover 0-60mph in only 6.5 seconds, the supermini can now add wallet-friendly 50mpg-plus fuel economy to its impressive list of credentials. That’s 25 per cent more than the maker’s claimed 40.9mpg combined figure. But only if you know how to handle this hot hatch…
Sure the price of gasoline in the US is dropping, but I know there have to be a few of you out there that don’t have your foot in it *all the time*. What kind of MPG are you getting from your JCW or GP?
I just returned from a 250 round-trip drive in my 2005 MCS JCW and achieved 36 mpg on the drive down and 33 on trip back with a strong headwind… the trip was completely flat and mostly straight (gotta love Florida).
If you can believe the on board computer, we’ve gotten a pretty consistent 31 to 33 miles per US gallon for most of the first 4K miles in mixed around town and highway driving. This is my wife’s car and she doesn’t do anything special to save fuel, but she’s a smooth driver and doesn’t like the quick-throttle sport mode. I definitely try to do my part though in pulling down the average on those weekend errands.
My car is not a JCW but rather a 2008 MCS with the ALTA full meal deal installed (turbo back exhaust, CAI, boost tubes, turbo inlet hose, FMIC), which my butt dyno tells me is noticably faster than the factory JCW. The ALTA add ons have not impacted my fuel economy. This car is my daily driver and I am getting approx. 35 mpg at the moment. The cars computer tells me I have averaged 36.1 mpg over 12,500 miles. My highest fuel economy was 41 and 42 mpg at a couple of fill ups earlier this year. I took a 4,600 mile cross country trip earlier this year during which I averaged 37.9 mpg. Overall I am extremely pleased and remain convinced that the MINI offers the best combination of performance and fuel economy currently available.
I’ve been able to get 42 MPG in my 05 JCW… I slowed down to 55 and turned off the AC. Amazing what 10 MPH will do for your wallet. Another fantastic side effect: the drive was quieter, and far less stressful. Yeah, it took me a little longer to get to my destination, but I was far less stressed.
I also managed to get better milage by trailing a big rig, but I wouldn’t recommend it… the truckers equate such actions to stealing. I know MythBusters has already covered the topic and ‘proved’ it to be true (drafting that is).
Another datapoint from Canada… R53 JCW Competition Edition (one of 64 full factory JCWs sent to Canada in late 2006, no cruise on these cars):
–> typical hwy = 7.4 L/100km; typical city = 9.1 L/100km;
–> best hwy = 6.8 L/100km; best city = 8.5 L/100km;
–> really flogging on back roads = 7.6 L/100km;
really wailing in city = 10.3 L/100km;
Hmm… My 06 JCW averages 21.8. That’s a 12 mile 1way commute back and forth to work with 4 miles of highway each way. No clue how you average greater then 30 with it.
My ’05 JCW would average 29 mpg with cruise control set at 85 on long 1000+ mile road trips between California & Colorado.
Also, before the fuel price spike, I was averaging 79-80 on a 35 mile commute and averaging 22-23 mpg in 40% city/ 60% highway driving (flowing against traffic). Now I average 68-72 on highway stints, and with the same 40/60 city/highway average, I am getting 24-26 mpg averages.
I get between 32-34, about half city, half highway driving in my 09 JCW. For the one tank I did all highway driving I got ~36 mpg cruising at 80. Hand calc btw, the onboard computer seems to be about 1 mpg optimistic
I am averaging about 30 mpg during my mostly highway commute in my 06 JCW. When I swap cars with my friend, I get about 33 mpg in his 06 MCS non-JCW driving the same commute.
I never checked mpg. It is what it is. I bought this car to have fun driving in a spirited fashion (JCW). Not for the economy. If that is one’s concern why not just get a base MINI?
getting around 30-35 mpg on my 120mi RT commute, mostly highway and some stop and go into Manhattan. and yes, like LIAM, i drive it like i just robbed a bank. i tried to see just well i could do if i drove it like a ‘normal’ person, but as soon as i lose my concentration it’s pedal to the metal! the mileage is just a very sweet bonus. the drive is the thing. seriously, my slk55 just sits next to it at home collecting dust. the only thing the two cars have in common is the small size.
High MPG must be easy to achieve on US highways and Europes Autobahns. But get into a country where cities are mostly hilly, those factory figures are way out. Look in the specifiactions and you will read that the factory figures are done on a dyno inside a building and then given a “reality” factor – not real world data!
I have an 09 JCW in the US- Chicago area. The best I got was 32mpg doing mostly 95mph. Around town if I go really easy on it I get 30-32 mpg. Last tank driving mostly 20-40 over the limit I got 28mpg. My worst tank was 26-27 mpg. I really think if I got it on the highway and drove the speed limit…55-65 mph I would get 40 mpg.
My 09 JCW is getting 32-34.6 mpg city/hwy. I drive shifting thru the gears quickly using a smooth right foot action. its amazingly flexible and fun to drive fast when required with gobs of torque. Recommended for anyone wanting a performance machine with quality built in fun. Motor on….
I just returned from a 250 round-trip drive in my 2005 MCS JCW and achieved 36 mpg on the drive down and 33 on trip back with a strong headwind… the trip was completely flat and mostly straight (gotta love Florida).
My GP is more fuel efficient than my previous R53 – weird but true.
Figures below are for mixed in-town / highway driving – basic urban use:
Driving like a human being: 9.5 liters per 100km.
Driving like I usually do: 11.2 liters per 100km.
The same commute in my Yaris halves those figures, but then you are driving an appliance, not a car…
If you can believe the on board computer, we’ve gotten a pretty consistent 31 to 33 miles per US gallon for most of the first 4K miles in mixed around town and highway driving. This is my wife’s car and she doesn’t do anything special to save fuel, but she’s a smooth driver and doesn’t like the quick-throttle sport mode. I definitely try to do my part though in pulling down the average on those weekend errands.
My car is not a JCW but rather a 2008 MCS with the ALTA full meal deal installed (turbo back exhaust, CAI, boost tubes, turbo inlet hose, FMIC), which my butt dyno tells me is noticably faster than the factory JCW. The ALTA add ons have not impacted my fuel economy. This car is my daily driver and I am getting approx. 35 mpg at the moment. The cars computer tells me I have averaged 36.1 mpg over 12,500 miles. My highest fuel economy was 41 and 42 mpg at a couple of fill ups earlier this year. I took a 4,600 mile cross country trip earlier this year during which I averaged 37.9 mpg. Overall I am extremely pleased and remain convinced that the MINI offers the best combination of performance and fuel economy currently available.
I’ve been able to get 42 MPG in my 05 JCW… I slowed down to 55 and turned off the AC. Amazing what 10 MPH will do for your wallet. Another fantastic side effect: the drive was quieter, and far less stressful. Yeah, it took me a little longer to get to my destination, but I was far less stressed.
I also managed to get better milage by trailing a big rig, but I wouldn’t recommend it… the truckers equate such actions to stealing. I know MythBusters has already covered the topic and ‘proved’ it to be true (drafting that is).
First it was there, and then it was gone. What happened to the “smaller MINI coming to America” article?
Another datapoint from Canada… R53 JCW Competition Edition (one of 64 full factory JCWs sent to Canada in late 2006, no cruise on these cars):
–> typical hwy = 7.4 L/100km; typical city = 9.1 L/100km;
–> best hwy = 6.8 L/100km; best city = 8.5 L/100km;
–> really flogging on back roads = 7.6 L/100km;
really wailing in city = 10.3 L/100km;
My GP averages 26-30 MPG mostly in town. It’s been as low as 21 MPG but that was, well, mostly “spirited” driving.
My 2006 JCW averages 19.6 mpg…
Good thing I have a short commute!
I notice on the website they used 40 psi on tires; just wonder if this is the mfr. recommended for the JCW? My 2007 MCS recommends only 36 psi.
What’s everybody worried about MPG for? A great man recently said all we have to do is inflate our tires. Problem solved.
Hmm… My 06 JCW averages 21.8. That’s a 12 mile 1way commute back and forth to work with 4 miles of highway each way. No clue how you average greater then 30 with it.
My ’05 JCW would average 29 mpg with cruise control set at 85 on long 1000+ mile road trips between California & Colorado.
Also, before the fuel price spike, I was averaging 79-80 on a 35 mile commute and averaging 22-23 mpg in 40% city/ 60% highway driving (flowing against traffic). Now I average 68-72 on highway stints, and with the same 40/60 city/highway average, I am getting 24-26 mpg averages.
I get between 32-34, about half city, half highway driving in my 09 JCW. For the one tank I did all highway driving I got ~36 mpg cruising at 80. Hand calc btw, the onboard computer seems to be about 1 mpg optimistic
…just thought I’d mention that I was born and bred in Macclesfield 🙂
My 06 JCW is averaging around 27.5 with mixed driving. The best I’ve seen is 30 on a long trip, while the worst was probably around 22-23mpg.
I expect to see 2-4mpg more (I hope) with my upcoming 09 JCW Clubman
I am averaging about 30 mpg during my mostly highway commute in my 06 JCW. When I swap cars with my friend, I get about 33 mpg in his 06 MCS non-JCW driving the same commute.
I never checked mpg. It is what it is. I bought this car to have fun driving in a spirited fashion (JCW). Not for the economy. If that is one’s concern why not just get a base MINI?
Here’s a question….50 mpg is pretty amazing. Any chance the demo car was set to imperial gallons?? It happens.
Ah, seems it was….that makes a bit more sense.
Imperial gallons, US gallons, WTF don’t the both of you accept decimal measurements are here to stay and just run with litres! :p
My mildly modded R53 MCS (15% pulley, MTH, cat-back, CAI) gets approx 9l/100km around town and mid-low 7s on the highway.
If I drive it like I stole it, however, well, things get a bit ugly, haha!
Liam: hear hear! L/100km… degC… metres (not meters)…
If only Systeme Internationale was truly, you know, “international”. 🙂
getting around 30-35 mpg on my 120mi RT commute, mostly highway and some stop and go into Manhattan. and yes, like LIAM, i drive it like i just robbed a bank. i tried to see just well i could do if i drove it like a ‘normal’ person, but as soon as i lose my concentration it’s pedal to the metal! the mileage is just a very sweet bonus. the drive is the thing. seriously, my slk55 just sits next to it at home collecting dust. the only thing the two cars have in common is the small size.
I’ve seen 44.7 mpg highway in 09 JCW Clubman
i often see 31-33 mpg in my GP…all the way down to the low 20’s… that’s with a big of, how you say, extra pressure on the engine…
High MPG must be easy to achieve on US highways and Europes Autobahns. But get into a country where cities are mostly hilly, those factory figures are way out. Look in the specifiactions and you will read that the factory figures are done on a dyno inside a building and then given a “reality” factor – not real world data!
I have an 09 JCW in the US- Chicago area. The best I got was 32mpg doing mostly 95mph. Around town if I go really easy on it I get 30-32 mpg. Last tank driving mostly 20-40 over the limit I got 28mpg. My worst tank was 26-27 mpg. I really think if I got it on the highway and drove the speed limit…55-65 mph I would get 40 mpg.
My 09 JCW is getting 32-34.6 mpg city/hwy. I drive shifting thru the gears quickly using a smooth right foot action. its amazingly flexible and fun to drive fast when required with gobs of torque. Recommended for anyone wanting a performance machine with quality built in fun. Motor on….