Canadian Police Pull Over Entire MINI Convoy

It’s a complex story but the long and short of it is that the local Ontario MINI Club has a spring a fall charity rally around a road called the “Rattler”. Apparently as is customary in the area, the club let the police know that there would be a large group of MINI’s driving the road as part of a charity event. Apparently the police (known locally as the OPP) took it upon themselves to not only use the opportunity as a speed trap but they also notified the local television channel to make sure it was fully covered in the media.
So with the MINI club having notified the OPP of the charity event cruise, the route, the timings and the number involved, the police were ready with all the information they needed to execute one of the most unnecessary stings we’ve ever heard of.
Here’s an except from thegarageblog about what transpired:
>When the convoy approached the Memorial Avenue junction with Highway 11 the convoy noticed flashing blue and red lights approaching from the right and naturally assumed that it was emergency vehicles responding to an accident. They were totally surprised to realise that they were the focus of the OPP’s attention. Some pulled to the left to allow the emergency vehicles to merge onto the highway; some had to brake hard to avoid hitting the car in front and those in the front, aware of the reality pulled over immediately closely followed by OPP cruisers.
But perhaps worse was the story that the media then ran with. The video indicated that multiple cars were impounded and those who had children with them had Children’s Aid (the Canadian Child after Dept) notified.
You can read more over at thegarageblog in part 1 and part 2 of their coverage.
You can also see the local TV coverage here (click on the monday the 26th… on the side and its the first news story).
<p>wow, horrible =(</p>
<p>OMG. I thought this kind of thing only happened only in Arizona.</p>
<p>Absolutely ridiculous</p>
<p>This is my home club and they are NOT happy about it…this cruise has been run spring and fall for the last 5 years without incident…what changed this year is beyond me…</p>
<p>That is crazy, every time I read stories like this, especially where cars are confiscated, it makes me glad my mom escaped Canada all those years ago to live in the US.</p>
<p>That’s a bummer, but really, if they were speeding that much, they should have been pulled over. It’s no fun to have this happen, but fun driving doesn’t have to be driving outside of the law. That’s when it starts to just become stupid driving.</p>
<p>Without being there, I couldn’t pass judgment, though. Hopefully people were being reasonable.</p>
<p>The local news channel has pulled the video off the web. so your link will not show it.</p>
<p>What the heck Canada? Really? What exactly was the nature of the charges against the club members? A line of Mini’s just makes people smile! So wrong.</p>
<p>We were driving over the posted limit which is 90 km, my speedo never went above 120, they gave 3 of us in that group a ticket for 123, and 1 lone mini 15 earlier 124. We were getting passed by a number of cars, none of which were pulled over when we arrived at the pull over point.</p>
<p>I believe that the local news has since removed that news story from their website.</p>
<p>We were not travelling at 50km over the posted limit, which, for those of you not familiar with Ontario Traffic Law. Is an immediate roadside seizure of the vehicle for 7 days, no matter who owns it, and up to $10,000 in fines. It is considered street racing. I am given the situation, that since there were 14 of us, that they did not try and slap a street racing ticket on us. Probably because they knew that that would not stick and we would for sure fight that one.</p>
<p>I am fighting it myself. As again, I do not believe that I was travelling 123 on that section, I live near there, and know that it is a speed trap, it’s down the street from the HeadQuarters of the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police).</p>
<p>They were out to get us, as we encountered several other OPP on the rest of our cruise. They were strategically placed on our route. I guess you could argue that those are their normal radar spots, but all of them, on our route, during those times. I did not see one single on my way home.</p>
<p>They even three times drove through the parking lot where we stopped for lunch. I can argue that that is not their normal U-Turn location to turn around in.</p>
<p>How could anyone set up something like this against a MINI club charity drive? It sounds like they tried to have these people look like criminals. This is sickening.</p>
<p>Ridiculous! How long before the OPP adopt the goose step?</p>
<p>This is very similar to what happened to a Honda Goldwing Charity ride on the East coast last year. Same deal ticket and impound for “gang” activity. Ride was benefiting Juvenile Diabetes or similar.</p>
<p>So absurd. Wondering if someone can get their hands on the video showing all other cars blowing by much faster, perhaps you could argue discrimination or being setup? In any event, such BS.</p>
<p>The worst thing is that the TV coverage still exist on A-Channel web site AND our incident worded as “a convoy of speeding MINIs”!!! What a SCUM!
But on the flip side the A-Channel and OPP look so meanly in this particular episode that I think everyone can see it through easily and say “Hey guys, don’t you have other dangerous stuff to take care about?!”
As opposed to real speeders and dangerous drivers, we were so sweet catch for them they couldn’t afford to miss and make a big news on their hard work.
The lesson learn now.
Thanks A-Channel/OPP.</p>
<p>Here in California, the average of one in every four drivers received a traffic violation last year. The local police were told to give out more tickets to compensate for the budget cut due to economic downturn and to avoid layoffs. I wonder if OPP is in the same boat?</p>
<p>I would encourage you to fight it in the court. There is no way police personnel can appear in court on each of tickets they wrote.</p>
<p>As a hopeful MINI owner in Toronto, all this does is discourage me. I think for me part of the appeal of owning a MINI is getting involved in that community. I read a lot of MINI fan post sites and whatnot and really just think this type of bad news only promotes apathy. “why do something if it’s just not gonna be fun”</p>
<p>They’re coming for you, David!</p>
<p>It is easy to say “speeding is speeding” but speeding isn’t the same as it was back in the day. Better tires, suspensions, braking systems, lower weight, etc add to the control you need for better high speed motoring. We all know, speed doesn’t kill, it is not controlling the speed that does. This waste of law enforcement’s time is just that, a waste of time.</p>
<p>MF: I just posted a lengthy comment and it’s not showing up?? I hope it does as it would be a pain to rewrite it!</p>
<p>@ xiek and mini owners.</p>
<p>i must say the way the OPP pulled the convoy over was dangerous and should not have happened, nor should the club have been targeted. however even doing 120km you are 30km over the limit in a posted 90km zone that you were travelling in for 25km. you should have known you were speeding and you should have known that radar traps were a possibility esepecially since you told the police where you were going.</p>
<p>the media coverage was, in a way blown out of proportion, however if you knew about the local road safety blitz happening in the area you would know that most of the street racing comments and vehicle seisures referals were not directed at the mini club.</p>
<p>Not a good thing, though little happens in policing without push back from the community. Likely somebody or multiple people have complained previously about the run. While I am less than happy to see a group of MINI make the news in this manner the base fact all of us can have the same thing happen if we are driving in violation of the law.</p>
<p>I have zero love for speed traps, I do hope everything works out well for those on the event.</p>
<p>Interesting….the reporter’s name was..Cooper.</p>
<p>It looks like a media stunt and I noted the report has been editted to not connect the MINI part (mentioned many times) from the mention of MINIs being impounded and children in the MINIs being handed over to Children’s aid. Still, it is sensationalism reporting.</p>
<p>Is it budget or election season for the OPP or something? Look everyone, we’re meeting our mandate!</p>
<p>A-channel should be ashamed of how they were played like a fiddle by the OPP, purely for political gain.</p>
<p>This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard in my entire life. Typical of the police to abuse their position and go on a little power trip like that. Utterly useless.</p>
<p>WTF!! I thought this happened in 3rd world countries not CANADA by God’s sake. The home of the liberals</p>
<p>What a joke, I thought canadians were all mellow and laid back and it was US State Troopers that have the personality by pass?.</p>
<p>UK cops are pretty cool by this standard, (even with all the speed traps etc) most would have smiled and waved at a cute convoy of minis, especially ones that had the good manners to pre inform then and who were undertaking a charity run!!. Shame on them and the TV station.</p>
<p>A: This was kind of scummy of the OPP, but maybe they had reports of bad behavior before…</p>
<p>B: If you’re driving 75 in a 55 MPH zone, what do you expect? If you have illegal equipment (we won’t touch on the merits of having a detector or not, that’s a different case), what do you expect?</p>
<p>Not down with O.P.P. Their behavior is naughty by nature. (Sorry…had to be done)</p>
<p>I posted on the original club members’ site yesterday and reiterate:</p>
<p><b>Speeding has become wholly vilified in Ontario as a “social ill”. The cops stand to gain from busting speeders (when running speed traps they are not “protecting the public”, they are tax collecting), seizing cars when they can (to look like they are “tough on crime” like the conservative governments always say they are). Ergo, they have learned to work the media, perpetuating the “street racing” myth by publicizing / fictionalizing details… in this case by calling the media to watch them bust a bunch of enthusiasts on a charity cruise roadtrip.</b></p>
<p>@ Xiek – I’m not that far south of you and I used to run the South Shore miata club in Windsor-Essex so this hits close t home. Fight that ticket… the least we can do as driving enthusiasts is appeal to reason and give context to our accusers, in the courtroom in this case and possibly to the media –> might want to get the club’s side of things heard, and the Garageblog posts as well as now this link on MF and other sites could help. But I also want to ask your opinion: Do you think things would have been different if the club had not “officially” notified the OPP 2 weeks prior to the run? I get the impression the OPP was going to setup a daylong buffet of tax collecting and example-making for the media either way, but then again being informed of the planned MINI run could have been the final bit of info that made them pick that particular day?</p>
<p>@ Axel – we are no longer the de facto “home of the liberals”. Like many western nations over the past number of years, Canada took a noticeable and frosty turn to the right (either literally by elected Conservative governments or essentially by Provincial liberal governments adopting policies that would typically be associated with a conservative government). I’ll tell you it hurts to see my very own riding vote conservative but that’s the way the political winds seem to be blowing. I won’t even get into regionalism… Canada is not one country but at least three regions and so quite divided… anyway, “everything is political” but not every post needs to be political so I’ll stop by saying it is not as simple as liberal v. conservative at this point, as the global public crackdown continues on “speeding / hooning / street racing / owning a cool car / smiling while driving said cool car / etc.” :)</p>
<p>And here’s the direct link to the A-channel news… the MINI convoy (as in MF vid capture above) is at about the 2:00 minute mark.</p>
<p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>Note how the local news reporters in their leading comments and word choice really sound like J. Jonah Jameson banging his desk and saying “Spiderman and his MINI Cooper friends are a public menace and must be stopped!” ;)</p>
<p>@ JonPD – Yes, for sure more people are complaining and requesting police enforcement against any kind of “reckless driving”. The one interview included in the newsclip with the woman who I am quite sure drives a brown Corolla is a good example of how people are first amazed then “outraged” by someone daring to pass them at +20kph over the 90kph speed limit while they of course go along at an eminently reasonable (to them) +10kph. :)</p>
<p>Yet another example of traffic cops abusing their power — truly despicable. I thought traffic police existed to protect public safety, not to have useless speed traps and sting operations that do nothing but to ensure they keep their jobs from the intake of $ (quotas anyone?) and give themselves a bad name.</p>
<p>That local newscast certainly does a masterful job of tying the MINI charity rally to a completely unrelated series of roll-over accidents and the free-floating hysteria of a couple of alarmed citizens about the general craziness of the world. It’s good to know that in our fast-changing, technology-driven world, you can still count on good old-fashioned yellow journalism to put you to bed at night.</p>
<p>What’s really sad about this whole thing is the Mini club did the right thing about notification of the event and on and on. If the cops wanted to support those that do this type of event, they could have written a letter of thanks (for the heads up) and warning (that even though it’s a charity event, they won’t be exempt from the law). If they’d had complaints in the past, they could have let the MINI group know that there had been complaints in the past and to “play nice.” Instead, they didn’t do that, they basically laid in wait to catch a bunch of people, sensationalize the whole thing, and really make a distorted mess of the whole thing….</p>
<p>Now I wonder, what car club is EVER going to work with the local cops about doing safe events? None would be a pretty good guess.</p>
<p>This is a perfect example of how the local authorities really screwed the pooch, and really, really missed an opportunity to do some community outreach, and support the vary constituents that help pay thier freakin salaries!</p>
<p>So If this happened on MTTS it would be like a pile up from the blues brothers and the police would be at fault. Very stupid for the cops.</p>
<p>Its obvious that they choose the MINI club as a big stick to show people (via the media) they are cracking down on speeding on 400.</p>
<p>I have been personally cited a few times over many years. Still the outrage for people smashing police for doing the job they swear to is plain stupid. If you choose to speed or driving recklessly at least be man enough to deal with the consequences. As I said I do question them using the group to try to show that they are cracking down on speeders to the media. Still just because your found breaking the law doesn’t mean they are villains rather bemoaning it reeks of the lack of personal responsiblity.</p>
<p>O! Canada…Land of the free!!!! HA!!! North of the border is the Queen’s English and law’s. Quebec is where to go..French is sooo much better than the Queen!! Speed on there in the land of the hockey puck. I really thought the good old US of A had a lock of this type of thing. Quess the Old Canadians have learn a trick or three!!! Good Luck O chap!!!!!</p>
<p>Disgusting. A group of people on a charity drive, blatantly targeted along their entire route. I understand that cops are supposed to support the law, but obvious placement of speed traps after considerate notifaction of a charity route is uncalled for, unethical, and an abuse of knowledge and power.</p>
<p>“take off eh”</p>
<p>Last year when leading the parade at the annual PUB event in Cleveland (also for charity) a metroparks ranger pulled up to me and told me to SPEED UP! 100 plus Minis were clogging up the road!</p>
<p>No news coverage though.</p>
<p>As a member of SOMC and participant in the 2010 Rattler, I can say I am totally disappointed with the farce that the OPP have committed and further still what the local news has done with the story. As one of the cars that almost rear-ended the other members of the convoy, I don’t appreciate the OPP guerilla tactics and suddenly jumping out into the highway to pull our entire group over for “speeding”. Too bad they missed all the other cars that were really speeding and passed our group doing Mach 1 that day…but of course they were good ‘ol boys in their jacked up pickup trucks, or SUVS like the po’lice have at home…and to the other cops that regularly speed for no apparent sirens….no lights…I guess you don’t learn your lessons from killing a couple innocent pedestrians or motorists each year and your badge gives you the right to do whatever you want. And you wonder why in so many countries around the world people do not trust the police…go have another donut</p>
<p>That pic does look like the I. Job if it were a bunch of Canadian MINIs taking back the loot. lol</p>
<p>…thank GOD for the OPP!!! Now I can sleep better at night knowing that those thugs won’t cross the border and,”have their way”,with us,”good decent Americans”…</p>
<p>…and to show my respect for any of the OPP who’s reading this…</p>
<p>the following is my gift to you. Enjoy: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>PS:(Sarcasm is a beautiful thing)</p>
<p>Utterly disgusting behaviour by the Ontario police (and to a lesser extent, the local TV channel). Why would anyone want to even cooperate with the police there for future events now?</p>
<p>Over here, when my car club does a charity drive, and notify the police, they kindly offer to give us a police escort with flashing sirens and all, allowing us to breeze through traffic, and then they remind us to keep up and not drive too slowly!</p>
<p>damn, thats so messed up</p>
<p>Yeah, what you don’t see, is that after the OPP waved us all over, & the camera got the shot, they waved us back onto the road, expect for the 4 that were actually pulled over. 3 tickets, one warning. We were only on the side of the road for maybe 45 seconds. Speed limit had just dropped to 90km/h from 100km/h. Some of us just didn’t adjust our speed fast enough. I actually thought the black van on the bridge in the distance was the radar location. Now we know it wasn’t. NO MINI’S WERE SIEZED; NO Mini drivers were reported to child services. That was all from the day before.</p>
<p>MINI should take advantage of the media coverage and quickly make a commercial.</p>
<p>Why the outrage? Theres nothing wrong for pulling over a group of cars if they were all speeding. Also its not a waste of tax dollars, the police were getting paid whether they pulled all these cars over or were elsewhere. I understand how this can be a bit sour, not to say “serves them right” but they set it up. This is fair in the same way that extra cops at a football stadium is fair, where they may summons people for open containers (alcohol) or other misdemeanors for which are to be expected.</p>
<p>One thing for sure, The positive of the charity run, will more then wipe out the negative approach the police took. The public cannot help but love each a every MINI they see driving down the road. MINI and its owners have nothing to lose and everything to gain. What did the police gain?? Maybe a few bucks for the local city/gov pool. The media station im sure will rethink its approach to negative coverage for any charity event especially when all charities are in so short supply of funds in this economy. Ontario Police, give a life, dont take it from someone. I can think of many positive ways you could of handled this situation for the good of the charity and the owners of any car in any car club.</p>
<p>Keep hearing the outrage over them being cited during a charity run. Rather amusing idea that breaking the law is ok if your doing something decent.</p>
<p>I only hope that everything works out ok for those that were cited and I hope it doesn’t affect your next event in the fall.</p>
<p>This is absolutely horrible. On a CHARITY run no less. Fail.</p>
<p>@ Goat no Pun intended with the Political enuendo we here in Puerto Rico our politicians have been busted for driving on the emergency lanes and cops have enforced the isuue but the politicians beleive they are above the law anyway. True be it if THEY were over the speed limit I cannot wager that I myself tend to break the law and “IF” caught I will pay the price, but what OPP did was just plain simple “SPEED TRAP” which in fact is ilegal. I won a case here in my island I beleive you Canadiens can do too. This time get the media to record the event and we’ll see how far this goes!!!</p>
<p>Dont forget… we are talking 90 KPH.
The speed limits that are set in Canada are geared for setting limitations for winter driving. It is not like they change the signs back for summer.</p>
<p>I am not sure if you guys acknowledge how slow 90 kilometers per hour really is. It is 55.92 MPH on a controlled highway. The average US highway speed limit is 70-75 MPH and when I lived in California, left lane setting a much nicer pace.</p>
<p>75 MPH is 120 KPH.</p>
<p>Well, at least we still have cheap strip clubs and $10 full contact dances. Just drive slow when you get here.</p>
<p>The Police did their job – albeit, poorly.</p>
<p>It is the media that makes my skin crawl. Yuk.</p>
<p>I’m clearly missing something.</p>
<p>A certain number of drivers in group of MINIs were ticked for speeding when, in fact, they had been speeding . Correct?</p>
<p>Is it also true that if the group was not speeding they would not have been pulled over and ticketed?</p>
<p>I don’t understand the Canada bashing in the comments in this thread. It’s not like this type of policing is unheard of in the USA.</p>
<p>Let me see if I understand this correctly…..</p>
<p>The Club organizer notifies the cops of when and where 45 MINI’s will be on a certain stretch of highway, A section of road which apparently is predisposed to many auto crashes and roll overs mostly due to speeding, then as a group these same MINI’s proceed to travel up to 30 MPH over the posted speed limits on that same stretch of road……with their kids in the car.</p>
<p>They are caught in some sort of LADAR speed trap and then these same drivers don’t understand why they were pulled over receiving speeding tickets for speeding ?</p>
<p>F*#K the Po-Lice!</p>
<p>@JustAnObserver – nearly every one of your “observations” is incorrect. Please read the story and first-hand accounts and try your “summary” again. Thank you…</p>
<p>This is just what Americans needed… another reason to loathe Canadians (except for the strippers in Vancouver!)</p>
<p>Jamie Coblentz…. That has nothing to do with anything. Most of the roads in New York (just south of where this took place) are 55. It’s only ‘special’ sections of road that are 65. And there are faster roads in Ontario as well. So I’m not sure what your point is.</p>
<p>I lived in Canada for a number of years before returning to the US. While I am a liberal Democrat, let me tell you that Canadian policies and its government, no matter which party, exert a paternalistic, “big brother”, overbearing presence upon the lives of its citizens. In some cases, it goes beyond socialism and borders on the fascistic. This story does not surprise me.</p>
<p>Rocketboy, I’m trying to say that the speed limit is f’n slow and that no children were harmed in the charity event. The police could sit on any highway and pick off the whole fast lane even though you are supposed to stay with the flow of traffic or get to the right. It didn’t need to be a pre-detemined trap when the club took the right precautions for their meet. It wasn’t a street race on a residential street. There being faster roads in Ontario is a moot point. Sucks for you that you are subjected to the same thing, especially given you live in such a crap area of the country where speeding down the open roads is about all its worth. At least you can use a radar detector.</p>
<p>@ kurt:
fair enough, and a first-hand impression is always valid, but let’s not get carried away with the F-word:
Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.</i></p>
<p>“Paternalism” is one thing, “fascism” quite another. They differ not in degree as you suggest but rather in kind. Further, our having a parliamentary system means our prime minister will always have FAR LESS power than any US president. Words are almost everything, so let’s use them appropriately.</p>
<p>I think that the Police did nothing wrong! If you are going to tell the Police where you are and when you had better be traveling the speed limit or else you are dumb! If none of the cars were speeding then there would have been no story here because nobody would have been pulled over.</p>
<p>Can anyone please come up with a good reason that the Police were not in the right pulling over the group? If the first car came around the corner speeding yes, pull over the whole group!</p>
<p>May I humbly suggest that at the next rally — in the fall? — the club should gather lots more MINIs and run them at exactly 1 Km/h over the MINImum speed limit. Which would be 41 Km/h without a special “slow vehicle” sign, right? This is assuming you’re still compliant with Section 132 of the Highway Traffic Act. You’d certainly have no problem at -20 Km/h below the posted limit. Bonus points if you have periodic MINIs passing at -15 Km/h below the posted limit and occupying all lanes. If someone gets pulled over, you’re entitled to slow down even more while passing, for safety.</p>
<p>And there you have it: “The MINImum Rally.”</p>
<p>Timothy: I hope if that happens it gets almost as much attention in MINIdom. I’d LOVE to see it!</p>
<p>0_o <em>speechless</em></p>
<p>Timothy: That happened to get rid of the NMSL in the US. Probably needs to happen again, seeing as the northeast is for the most part still speed-trapping away at 55 mph.</p>
<p>Funny how the most outspoken proponents of artifically-low speed limits (Christine Whitman, Meredydd Hughes, Adrian Fenty) wouldn’t be caught dead travelling any less than 30 mph over.</p>
<p>Read the Toronto Star today (May 8). The story above is totally wrong!</p>