I added this manual last week but neglected to actually mention it on the site. You can download the full official PDF Navigation Manual on the lower right side of the site in the “Files” section. Or you can save yourself the time and get it here
<p>Unfortunately we can't since it's about 2 megs in size. Also it's a PDF so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat reader – otherwise you'll be unable to read it.</p>
<p>If you're on dial-up the download could take up to 10-15 minutes.</p>
<p>Thanks to Randolph Lee for sending it over.</p>
<p>Glad to be of service
being able to see regular manual here was huge help to me in my ordering process i am
Windshadow on MINI2.com</p>
<p>i can't download the manuel.
if possible can you send it to mee? </p>
<pre><code> thanks, s.
<p>Unfortunately we can't since it's about 2 megs in size. Also it's a PDF so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat reader – otherwise you'll be unable to read it.</p>
<p>If you're on dial-up the download could take up to 10-15 minutes.</p>