First off this show is huge. 1.6 million sq ft on one level. And with this year the addition of two indoor test tracks has made it even bigger than before. In fact in terms of attendance there’s nothing bigger in the US. Sure Detroit gets more of the world premiers but at Chicago there’s much more accessability. And the new McCormick Place is just a pheonimonal place to see a show.
I’m not going to go into the detail I did last year but I will touch on a few highs and lows as I saw them.
The new Jetta is probably most disappointing new car that I can remember. There is an eerie similarity to the current Toyota Corrolla in it’s overall shape. The photos in the gallery are from the Jetta with full body kit and different taillights. Believe me – you aren’t missing anything by not seeing the standard spec. Elsewhere in the VW display the Beetle Ragster made it’s Chicago debut. It certainly makes a more masculine statement than the current car but I question whether VW has the guts to build something like it. There was no examples of the new Golf or GTI unfortunately.
Ferrari has some prime space at this year’s show. They’re front and center in the newly expanded north hall near the entrance. The F430 is a fantastic evolution of the 360 shape. The overall styling is a bit more taught and purposeful than the previous car. I do question the huge air-vents and the carbon fiber trim throughout the interior. It wasn’t up to the design standards that the rest of the car set. However the steering wheel is just fantastic. The fact that you can play Schummi with the buttons is so choice. I’m also happy to report that I’m still in love with the Ferrari 612 Scaglietti from my experience at last years show. It’s such a regal looking car. The 575 and a 360 Challenge car were also on hand along with full Maserati range.
Porsche’s new 911 and Boxster are supurb. I can’t say enough good things about the improvements to the 911. It has again taken it’s rightful place at the top of my dream coupe catagory. Beyond the exterior changes, both cars have extensive interior upgrades as you can see in the photos. Note to self… if I’m ever in the market for a $400,000 car I must seriously look into the Carrera GT… or at least try to find the MINI equivalent to it’s shift knob.
The Bentley Continental GT isn’t about performance or handling. It’s about motoring on a grand scale. How grand you ask? Just look at the leather headliner or trim on the doors.
The MINI Display was certainly one of the more lively places at the show. They had a good range of cars including a sweet JCW MCS Convertible with the brake kit and JCW 18″ wheels. The Web-spokes, the new armrest, and the Auto MCS were also represented. They also had a cut-away of the frame from a MINI convertible. It looked identical to the one I saw at the factory last March.
BMW had the usual assortment of eye candy. First on that list was the new M5, which, after some persuasion we were able to climb in. Of course like all M cars it’s the drivetrain that is really the star here. 500hp, 8,250 redline, and a 7 speed sequential transmission are just a few of the more impressive stats. As a big fan of BMW wagons I was excited to see the new 5 series touring for the first time. Excited until I learned that BMW won’t be bringing over the lighter, faster and more nimble rear-wheel drive version to the US. Not to mention the fire-breathing 545iT. I don’t think there’s a more frustrating automaker out there in terms of what they won’t sell in the US market. I can only hope that the upcoming US spec 3 series wagon doesn’t suffer the same fate.
Smart had it’s display just across from MINI’s this year. The thing about Smart cars like the FourTwo and the Coupe is that they are not only small but feel very cheap inside. Shutting the doors not only do not inspire confidence… they instill a little bit of fear. I could see the FourFour and the Coupe as viable cars for the US. The FourTwo would probably be nothing but an ultra niche vehicle for larger cities or possibly car restricted areas. I will say this… Smart had the best use of furniture in a display at the show.
Mercedes had the new M-Class on display absolutely noone noticed it. The SLR is impressive in the flesh but a little less impressive when you realize that the only transmission offered is a 5 speed automatic. The CLS55 is a gorgous car and I hope they do very well with it. MB deserves a ton of credit for actually taking it to market. However one thing it isn’t is a 4 door sedan. Four 6-footers will not fit comfortably in the CLS. And once I did manage to squeeze my 6’2″ frame into the back seat I had to immediately deal with the problem of my head butting up against the headliner. But otherwise it’s a great looking design. Now if only it came with a manual transmission…
International was also at the show with the largest consumer production vehicle in the US, the CXT (and other assorted threats to the environment). I can’t stress enough how horrible built these vehicles are. I’ve seen kit cars with better interiors. They interior has all the class of a Rubbermaid trash can. Exposed wires, sharp corners on textured plastic… it’s not a nice place to spend time. Add that to the fact they you have a good chance of either rolling or breaking your ankle trying to climb out of the thing and you have the most ridiculous vehicle on American roads. The funniest thing about this truck is the tailgate that you literally would need a ladder to climb up to.
Audi had the usual display. For me the star was the US spec A3. It’s nice to see Audi taking a chance on a configuration that BMW had deemed unwanted in the US (The current 4 door hatch 1 series). Otherwise the display was what one would expect. The new A6 and A4 were in full force. As was their mammoth front overhangs. Seriously, you’d think VW and Audi are trying to out do each other with these enormous front clips hang out there. One has to question the weight balance of a car that has as much mass ahead of the front wheels as an ’75 Oldsmobile. Of course once inside the car interiors do not disappoint.
The Aston Martin DB9 continues to impress me. Last year it was probably the star of the show in terms of production vehicles. This year it still holds it’s own well. The attention to detail in the interior is possibly only rivaled by Bentley. I can’t imagine a better place to spend time than the interior of the DB9.
I finally got some one on one time with the Maybach 62 (yeah the really big one). Take away the fact that it’s got a Merc drivetrain and body reminiscent to the S-class and you have one of the finest modes of transportation on earth. Wireless internet, color printer, fridge, DVD, 600 watt sound system and sound deadening that will blow you away ( here’s an example. It’s a pretty incredible machine. I was told there’s no truth to the rumor that the engine runs on $100 bills though.
A few other notables at the show: Honda’s new Civic concept looks nice if not lacking a little character. Ditto the small Acura SUV.
The Toyota FJ is pretty sweet looking until you see the rear 3/4 view.
The new Dodge concept SUV us really well styled and looks macho without being a huge brute of an vehicle. It is bigger than the Jeep Liberty on which it’s based.
The Dodge Magnum SRT8 is incredible looking and just what the doctor ordered for those who need space but don’t want to give up ride, handling and huge power.
The Mustang convertible is a great car considering price point.
The Saturn Sky is fantastic for a low to mid-20K car.
The Saturn Vectra… I mean Aura would be a welcome addition to their increasingly embarrassing line-up and finally give them a car worthy of considering.
The new Jaguar Lightweight Coupe Concept is a great Aston Martin. Unfortunately it’s only has a fraction of the style that the R-Coupe concept had from a few years ago. That the car Jaguar needs to be building.
The Range Rover Sport is a study in pointlessness. But it’s still pretty sweet looking.
What, is Suzuki still alive in the US?
The Corvette Z06 is just breathtaking. I haven’t been this impressed by a Corvette in…. ever?
The Hummer H3 is slightly less pointless than the H2 (which is much less pointless than an H1, which in turn, is only slightly less pointless than a Tank).
The Suburu Tribeka is slightly less offensive in Black. It seems darker colors (surprise) hide the grotesque front-end just a bit better. The interior is certainly a nice bit of kit however. And the rear AV outlets are a welcome touch.
The Toyota supercar concept is a stylist mess. It looks eerily similar to a ’70s kit car.
And that is that…. for all those going, enjoy the show!
<p>Very cool pics gabe. Some nice rides this year!</p>
<p>So jealous! I will have to go with all the other trillion and a half people and will not get anywhere close to the exotics unless I wand to eat through a straw from now on. :o(</p>
<p>But, it’s better than not getting to go at all.</p>
<p>I am defintely doing the charity event next year. Period.</p>
<p>Wow that was a lot longer than expected…great gallery, thanks Gabe!</p>
<p>Nice photos! And hey, nice photo publishing software, too. What are you using to produce the web pages?</p>
<p>That Mercedes SLR is sweeeeet!</p>
<p>No Lotus Elise Gabe?</p>
<p>Didn’t have enough time for everything unfortunately. Although I suppose I could have done that rather than playing GT4 in the driving simulator at the Suburu display :)</p>
<p>BTW for those that may have missed our review of last year’s show you can read it here: </p>
<p>[ <a rel="nofollow" href="">2004 Chicago Auto Show</a> ]</p>
<p>There were a pair of Elise’s there. Along with the Murcelagio (sp?) roadster and a Gallardo (South Hall). We never made it over to get a shot of them though. You’ll also see a pair of Nobles in the North Hall just past the MINI booth.</p>
<p>The show is HUGE this year. I was there from 8 until we left at 5 and my feet and legs still hurt. There’s so much to see you really have to pick your spots if you’re going to do it in one day. And this was on a press day with relatively few people about. I can’t imagine doing it on a public day. You just won’t be able to see everything in one long day, definitely a 2-day affair.</p>
<p>Especially with the GT4 rally demonstrators in the Subaru display, think 355 challenge mounted on hydraulics. Then there’s the Chrysler off-road track where you’re chauffeured around in an assortment of Jeep and Dodge trucks. I saw one circuit the track in the early morning and they practically ripped the rear-bumper cover off a Cherokee. Gabe included a few pics of the workmen prepping the track in the gallery.</p>
<p>TKS TKS TKS!!!!! Nice photos Gabe!! i live in italy and 4 me is very difficult and expensive to go at CAS! next march i’ll go to GENEVE AUTO SHOW… 🙂
I work in an Audi Dealer and i dont know that the new A3 SportBack start on sales in US!! a big news! bye by Fab</p>
<p>The Ferrari F430 has the nicest butt-end of any car ever….wish the front end matched that beauty, although I understand the history behind the design</p>
<p>WOW. Thanks for posting those. Needed to see more of that lovely Aston Martin.</p>
<p>What was that fellow doing on the Porsche? Confusing it for a table top? YIKES.</p>
<p>the GT apparantly won some award and they were taking a bunch of pictures. he was moving the award around the car for about an hour or so.</p>
<p>Anyone else notice that the Works convertable didn’t seem to have the rollbars in the rear. Although I did enjoy the naked convertable….!</p>
<p>Thanks Gabe !</p>
<p>………never mind. It just goes to show you it’s always something !</p>
<p>I guess I needed to go farther in the pics to see the rollbars. LOL</p>
<p>I am so jealous. The auto show in Houston was crap this year. It was about like visiting a car max (in fact next year I will do just that and save my $10). </p>
<p>Thanks for the awesome gallery Gabe and Matt. Maybe next year I will make a trip up to chi-town to visit mom and attend the auto show. Can I tag along with you guys on press day?</p>
<p>PS. What software are you using for the photo gallery?</p>
<p>What were those crazy pickup trucks that looked like tractor-trailers? Those aren’t intended to be normal consumer vehicles are they?? </p>
<p>The one’s by International? They ARE intended for “normal” consumer vehicles.</p>
<p>I remember being sent a link a few months back from a buddy of mine who had too much time on his hands that day…</p>
<p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p>
<p>I think those pick-ups are freightliner’s attempts to make headway in the H2’s realm. Nice to see that stuff posted on a Mini site.</p>
<p>Great pictures, you caught a lot of detail.</p>
<p>As for the others cars, I’m pretty let down that BMW isn’t sending the M6 out to the shows – from what I’ve seen its amazing. And damn those Ferrari’s look nice.</p>
<p>Ah, international – I got that screwed up.</p>
<p>Anyone else afraid at the prospect of the average driver rolling around in one of those?</p>
<p>Bill, actually those aren’t crazy pickups made to look like tractor-trailers, it is the other way around. I believe the emblem on the front of them is the International truck emblem. Personally, I thought the Ford armoured vehicle as a personal suv was a riot!</p>
<p>It’s not going to be just anyone. If I remember correctly, the trucks are in the 6-figure price category. So I don’t think there will be too many of the 25,000 pound monsters driving around.</p>
<p>But it is somewhat scary that anyone with stupid cashflow can decide to have literally the biggest truck in the neighborhood.</p>
<p>If anyone has closeup pics of the JCW brakes and suspension, I’d love to see them!</p>
<p>LOVE the row of the new Mustangs… but then again I’m a little biased there heh. :)</p>
<p>Edge 8)</p>
<p>On February 10, 2005 at 1:43 PM <a rel="nofollow" href="">GSKChicago</a> <a rel="nofollow" href="">quipped</a>L</p>
<blockquote>But it is somewhat scary that anyone with stupid cashflow can decide to have literally the biggest truck in the neighborhood.</blockquote>
<p>Welcome to America, friend. :-)</p>
<p>Seriously, something that big, no matter how un-rig-like it may or may not look, will probably require a CDL. So, at least it would be someone with scary cashflow who would have to take a test. :-)</p>
<p>Gabe- Any interior pics of Toyota new FJ? </p>
<p>I noticed that all pics of the FJ’s exterior that I have seen all over the net don’t have any interior pics. </p>
<p>It looks like the car has its windows blacked out to disguise the fact that the interior was not completed in time for the show.</p>
<p>There is no interior yet… that’s the reason :)</p>
<li><p>Not sure why you’d want to spend valuable time taking photos of bling-bling SUVs instead of trekking over to see more cars made for <em>driving</em> the Elise.</p></li>
<li><p>Seeing these candid photos of the new Jetta just reaffirms my fear that VW doesn’t know what it stands for anymore and no longer considers leading-edge design to be a priority. And that they also hired designers from Honda or Nissan.</p></li>
<li><p>I really don’t understand why Audi is only bringing the 5-door A3 (and no manual transmission option) to the U.S. MINI has more than shown that there’s a market for a 3-door hatch with personality and style.</p></li>
<li>what kind of shots of the Elise could we have gotten that you couldn’t see elsewhere?</li>
<p>i think we got images that are fairly representative of what’s available at the show and of cars that stand out from the crowd. </p>
<p>the International is so outrageous it needs mentioning as commentary on what’s wrong with American motoring society. </p>
<p>the Rovers are simply stunning. </p>
<p>That “naked” MCC had me thinking MINI pickup! Wouldn’t it look just right, like the old ones? ;-)</p>
<p>Start with Ferrari, end with Ferrari.</p>
<p>Is there a pattern here?</p>
<p>Great pics – I miss living in a city large enough for a decent car show.</p>
<p>Range Rover Sport a study in pointlessness? you break my heart, Gabe. i loved that truck. if i ever need a 5th car and have 80k for it, i’m picking one up.</p>
<p>now the SLR is a study in pointlessness. who wants a supercar with a 5-speed auto and more computer power than NORAD? perhaps a study in removing the driver from the equation would be more accurate. freaking ugly too. i’ll take a GT or C12s thanks!</p>
<p>Ferrari, F430. i expected better plastics on the vents and various switchgear (hvac controls). VW does a better job. the 612’s were milled alloy, add a few bucks and give the 430 a little more class.</p>
<p>i don’t think i could be more indifferent toward the VW stand. nothing interesting, the Jetta’s boring but as usual the dash-stroker’s will be pleased.</p>
<p>the FJ, i’m indifferent, a co-worker loves it. i think it’ll do fine.</p>
<p>you can’t walk through the south hall without tripping over a Mustang. and once you think you’ve gotten past them, there’s a few more.</p>
<p>Gabe, you’ve got the vid of the 62, why don’t you put in the vid of the International? i think it’ll get the point across pretty quick.</p>
<p>Why would anyone need a Range Rover Sport. For that money you could get a 500hp V10 M5. It’s not like the Range Rover Sport has any off-road ability. They’re both vehicles meant solely for road use.</p>
<p>On the vid – I’m not too sure I want to push the bandwidth anymore than it already has been.</p>
<p>bandwidth, understood.</p>
<p>as for need. i have a hard time discussing NEED with respect to any vehicle over 50k that isn’t a work truck. they’re all exercises in excess expressed in different ways. and i’d posit that the Sport has at least as much ability as an X5/X3.</p>
<p>Which is about zero :)</p>
<p>Seriously though … I need 500hp.</p>
<p>and i need a 605hp 8000rpm V10. :)</p>
<p>we all have different needs i guess.</p>
<p>Didn’t the McClaren/BMW have 627bhp from that V12? I could see that as a need. Although the CD changer that woudln’t skip until you hit 5gs is a bit much.</p>
<p>i’ve heard they’re a little less than reliable though. what good is it if you can’t run to the shops or pick up your kid from school in it without making a call to AAA every time your out?</p>
<p>Anyone else think the new M5 is a butt ugly car? It doesn’t even look like a BMW.</p>
<p>IMHO I think the 5 series is the best looking sedan on the road today actually. Most people I know who are in the field of design feel the same way.</p>
<p>Doesn’t it look more like a Volvo than a BMW tho? I haven’t been lucky enough to see it in person…..but the pic’s sure don’t do it justice. I guess I am of the older set in it’s way generation…..LOL.</p>
<p>Love the pic’s Gabe. TY</p>
<p>i love the 5. i’ll go one further and say the 5’s one of the best looking sedans ever.</p>
<p>I agree with Matt and Gabe on the 5. It’s GORGEOUS. My buddy got the 545 a few months back… 6 speed. Was an amazing ride. For the money, power and ammenities, I think the 5 is phenomenal. That’s me though.</p>
<p>So why did Ford make a prototype Scion xB?</p>
<p>Ah, I finally figured out what “inspired” the design of the new 5 series. Ever see Godzilla Vs. Megalon? Check out the headgear on Godzilla’s robotic ally in the image below. </p>
<p><a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a><em>film/inhalt/vhs/kk</em>daemon/pics/pic<em>1</em>big.jpeg</p>
<p>Is Chris Bangle playing an elaborate joke on the automotive industry, ala the “po-mo” architects of the 80s?</p>
<p>Hmm… Looks like all the underscores were parsed out of that url when it was posted. Second and final attempt, in quotes.</p>
<p>Still not working… Well, you’ll have to trust me. That robot is a dead ringer for the new 5.</p>
<p>Not sure why that’s happening. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Here</a> is the picture.</p>
<p>FYI Chris Bangle didn’t design the 5 series. That robot is pretty sweet though.</p>
<p><em>IMHO I think the 5 series is the best looking sedan on the road today actually. Most people I know who are in the field of design feel the same way.</em></p>
<p>Gabe, I’m so happy to hear you say that. It almost seems as if hating their recent styling decisions has become a sport.</p>
<p>I really like the 6 and 7, too, although I’m still trying to decide whether the “smile” on the front of the revised seven is better than the “frown” of the existing one. The frown seems more appropriate, somehow…;)</p>
<p>Thank you for posting this huge gellery of pictures. One tiny detail: it’s means <em>it is.</em> A good memory trick here is to say it out loud — and if “it is” doesn’t work in the sentence, there’s no apostrophe.</p>
<p>Missed a closing ital tag there. Sorry. (Need a preview!!!!)</p>
<p>“Jet Jaguar”… That was the name of the robot. </p>
<p>I think the 5 is pretty spiffy! I wish they had continued the same lines on the 6 & 7. I just don’t get the trunk area on those. I also like the Z4.</p>
<p>My only complaint about the 5 is that the hood seems heavy looking in some angles, but I like general stance it has. </p>
<p>Again I must state that just because the “design Community”, of which I’m apart, thinks something is great don’t make it right.</p>
<p>I would give my wife & daughters or my right or left macadamia or both for that F430.</p>
<p>I also think the new Jetta lost some of itz personality and now looks more like a Toyota, especially the trunk.</p>
<p>I also think the new Audi grill is amazingly bad. and the rear end looks something like a Saturn. Not the Avant but the sedan.</p>
<p>And that’s my 5¢ worth on useless comments for the day….well maybe.</p>
<p>+++RB </p>
<p>I am going to the International Auto Show in Amsterdam tomorrow. I am interested in what Mini has there. I will post if I see anything different.</p>
<p>as long as we’re off loving minis to death (which i do with a passion), i just have to say that i love the new viper. sure, take your corvette with its rental car interior, but i like how this new viper is reincarnating the design of the old GTS. oh and when’s the m6/3 series/m(z4) debut? and also as a side note–has anyone noticed that you can literally push in the back end plastic/fiberglass? end of the corvette about 3-4 inches? it’s a little creepy—anyone, anyone?</p>
<p>FYI–Suzuki has a surprisingly massive share of the Near West Side market. There are also equal numbers of Daewoos as ’72 Novas. Thanks for the gallery and reviews!</p>
<p>I got back from the Amsterdam Auto Show called AutoRAI. I tried to stay as long as I could, but it got extremely crowded, to the point that you couldn’t even see the cars anymore.</p>
<p>Mini had a JCW (Dark Silver/White), with aero kit, JCW brakes, JCW front seats, JCW wheels, JCW dash and obviously a JCW ’05 tuning package. It didn’t have the JCW suspension kit, Upper stress bar or any of the exterior CF parts. It was aggravating that the JCW was locked up, since I really wanted to sit in the seats. </p>
<p>Anyone here watch it on WGN?</p>
<p>Hey! I was there for the media preview also. I did get pics of the two Elises and the Nobles. I think we got almost identical pics of a lot of the cars. </p>
<p>I think I was standing there when the guy was taking the roof panels of the Smart Roadster. I agree that those would be great little city scooters but I wouldn’t put one on a highway if you paid me… a lot. </p>
<p>I should have my pics and a pretty detailed review up in a few days but my real job is accounting and unfortunately, it’s tax season. Ouch. </p>
<p>What software are you using for the photo gallery?</p>
<p>Like always, I used Photoshop CS to do the initial coding then I went through and touched up some of the look through BBedit.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone for the compliments!</p>
<p>Nice coverage, Gabe! I generally don’t jump into these things and really appreciate the kudos on our new expansion, but I also don’t like to “gild the lilly” either. Our show floor is 1.2 million sq. ft. (111,500 sq. M. for you Euros out there), not 1.6 million. Your feet and calves are understandably tired! Nice pics, too. </p>
<p>We’re so pleased with the way the show played to the public, as well. Every morning it got to be great sport to see us open the doors and watch dozens of people SPRINTING to the Chrysler Group’s test tracks. They were jammed all week. The waiting in line thing was quelled by DCX bringing in some awesome bands to keep everyone entertained. They absolutely “got it” when we announced last year that we were expanding. The fun part will be next year when we see how Ford and GM respond. Do we have room? Ohhhhyesssssss. There’s still 1 million sq. ft. of McCormick Place available and an additional 700K sq ft that’s coming online in ’08. Great place to stage a world-class show, eh?</p>
<p>Again, nice job. And for everyone around the country and world, plan a trip to Chicago next year. We’ve got tons of great hotels all wrapped up in an awesome city. Make a weekend of it… and wear comfy shoes :)</p>
<p>Paul Brian
Dir. of Communications
Chicago Auto Show</p>
<p>Thanks Paul. You guys deserve a ton of credit for putting together the best auto show I’ve ever attended. Although I’m sad to say I <em>only</em> made it to the show twice this year 🙂 I’d say you need to plan for at least 4-5 hours to see the entire thing and not feel rushed. And a pair of comfy shows as you mentioned.</p>
<p>I went back this past weekend and took ever more pics and had a fabulous time. </p>
<p>I really wish I knew web design.. if so my pics would be up by now. </p>