A few weeks back frequent MF contributor Lawrence gave us some initial news on Audi’s plans for a new MINI fighting A2. This time we get a few official details courtesy of the Automotive News:

>Audi will launch a radically different A2 successor by 2008. The car will be aimed directly at BMW’s Mini.

>”When we look at this segment it is clear there are a lot of customers who want a car below the A3,” Audi Chairman Martin Winterkorn said in an interview at the Geneva auto show. “Mini has done well with its car. It has become more and more apparent there is demand there.”

Read can read the entire article below:

[ Audi’s Mini Fighter ] Automotive News (via Autoweek)

MF Analysis:

We at MotoringFile welcome Audi’s new MINI competitor. For one, competition in the form of a small AWD hatch may finally push MINI to release a car with Getrag’s very trick Twinster AWD system that MINI owners have been clamoring for. Further, competition from another premium car maker would probably put pressure to on MINI to both keep power and quality on an upward trend. Neither of which can be a bad thing.

Interestingly the article didn’t just stop there however. The author also gets into overall car production and that’s where things got a bit saucy. So with that said we just have to post this last not so subtle jab at Audi’s uneven results over the last few years from none other than BMW Chairman Helmut Panke:

>But BMW says it is not concerned about competition from Audi.

>”The average revenue per car for Audi in 2004 was E21,000. For BMW it was E35,000 — including Mini,” BMW Chairman Helmut Panke said at the Geneva auto show. “Audi is playing in the junior league as far as revenue per car is concerned.”



[ Audi Set to Take on the MINI ] MotoringFile