This week on MF Video Friday we’ve got some classic Top Gear and a Classic Mini. For anyone who’s seen recent Top Gear it’s pretty much the same, except back then Clarkson had a dead animal attached to the back of his head and the classic Mini was well, not quite classic yet.
One other thing… it’s also nice to see someone taller than me try to squeeze into a Classic. At 6’2″ I’ve always found them a little awkward, but at 6’5″ Clarkson looks like a pretzel.
So, because I love my Mini, I’m the Frosted Mini Wheats guy? I’ll take that. But just remember, that by Clarkson’s logic, all us Americans marry their cousins and otherwise have no sense. That said, Clarkson would likely take my statement, that is possibly the best Top Gear review I’ve ever seen, as an insult.
I totally forgot that Clarkson used to have that ‘orrible barnett. Couple that with the cheesiest music ever used for television and you have a winner.
I wonder if you could find an owner of an indoor kart track willing to give the night over to a few Mini’s 🙂
Fun vid. His perm must add a few meters to his Bertillonage file. It all depends on the seat you use in a classic Min – it works best if it’s almost right on the floor, the steering wheel mount on the facia needs to be dropped some, and the seat absolutely must recline a little. It takes a little creative ergonomics, but it can be done – you have to straight-arm your driving style, though. 😉 Back-seaters when a tall guy is pilot? Tough luck, pal – no joy there.
Does anyone recall the first Police Academy movie? Where Hightower tries to get into that first-gen Honda Civic (which by the way also used Mini as it’s inspiration), rips out the front driver’s seat, and drives it from the rear seat?
I was thinking of that scene, watching Clarkson squeeze himself into the Mini 🙂
great video…nice to watch something and get a sense of history, since I’m a first time MINI owner. Now I gotta get my hands on that original “Italian Job” movie. ; )
<blockquote>they had to custom fit charlize theron’s classic mini in the new italian job</blockquote>
I wonder how custom custom is in that case. I don’t actually know how tall Charlize is, but she can’t be a giant. There are brackets available that allow you to move the seat backwards (don’t count on any left over leg room in the back though), and to drop the steering column, which actually gives you a pretty decent driving position (but no, it still won’t compare very favourably to the BMW 3-series position of our Mini2s). I’m six 6’2″ myself (if I did the conversion right, 1.85m), and I fit into my classic just fine. And I’m certainly not the tallest classic owner in our club.
One other thing… it’s also nice to see someone taller than me try to squeeze into a Classic. At 6’2″ I’ve always found them a little awkward, but at 6’5″ Clarkson looks like a pretzel.
That was great fun.
I don’t agree with him sayin that the cinquecento is not a classic, it is very much so. The older version of course, not that yellow thing.
So, because I love my Mini, I’m the Frosted Mini Wheats guy? I’ll take that. But just remember, that by Clarkson’s logic, all us Americans marry their cousins and otherwise have no sense. That said, Clarkson would likely take my statement, that is possibly the best Top Gear review I’ve ever seen, as an insult.
hahahah … awesome video.
at at 6’7″ i will never sadly own a classic … oh wait … who needs a front drivers seat? real cheap!!!
Thats bloody fantastic! Brilliant little video, really. Clarkson does indeed look like a pretzel. I particularly loved his amazingly ridiculous hair.
I totally forgot that Clarkson used to have that ‘orrible barnett. Couple that with the cheesiest music ever used for television and you have a winner.
I wonder if you could find an owner of an indoor kart track willing to give the night over to a few Mini’s 🙂
Fun vid. His perm must add a few meters to his Bertillonage file. It all depends on the seat you use in a classic Min – it works best if it’s almost right on the floor, the steering wheel mount on the facia needs to be dropped some, and the seat absolutely must recline a little. It takes a little creative ergonomics, but it can be done – you have to straight-arm your driving style, though. 😉 Back-seaters when a tall guy is pilot? Tough luck, pal – no joy there.
Rob in Dago
Matt, the music is from the original Italian Job. Cheesy, yes, but holds a very special place in all us Mini/MINI fans.
Does anyone recall the first Police Academy movie? Where Hightower tries to get into that first-gen Honda Civic (which by the way also used Mini as it’s inspiration), rips out the front driver’s seat, and drives it from the rear seat?
I was thinking of that scene, watching Clarkson squeeze himself into the Mini 🙂
iv got the self preservation society on my ipod
they had to custom fit charlize theron’s classic mini in the new italian job
great video…nice to watch something and get a sense of history, since I’m a first time MINI owner. Now I gotta get my hands on that original “Italian Job” movie. ; )
Thanks for sharing the fun
“Matt, the music is from the original Italian Job. Cheesy, yes, but holds a very special place in all us Mini/MINI fans.”
It wasn’t the end music I was referring too, more the stuff at the start which didn’t seem to be from the movie as far as I remembered.
<blockquote>they had to custom fit charlize theron’s classic mini in the new italian job</blockquote>
I wonder how custom custom is in that case. I don’t actually know how tall Charlize is, but she can’t be a giant. There are brackets available that allow you to move the seat backwards (don’t count on any left over leg room in the back though), and to drop the steering column, which actually gives you a pretty decent driving position (but no, it still won’t compare very favourably to the BMW 3-series position of our Mini2s). I’m six 6’2″ myself (if I did the conversion right, 1.85m), and I fit into my classic just fine. And I’m certainly not the tallest classic owner in our club.