There has been some speculation recently about what we should expect with Clubman pricing in the US. We’ve heard rumors of general pricing as far back as early last year, but until recently, hadn’t heard from some of our more reliable sources on the matter.

Based on some recent information from multiple sources, we believe US pricing of the Clubman should fall between that of the Coupe and the Convertible. Specifically we’ve heard of figures around $2000 to $2500 higher than the Cooper and Cooper S Coupes. That would mean roughly $21,000 for the MINI Cooper Clubman and $24,000 for the Cooper S version.

And speaking of Clubman models the question has been asked recently, how will MINI name this new variation? Again based on multiple sources, MINI (worldwide) will be using the same naming convention as seen on the convertible models. That means there will be no mention of the “Clubman” on the car itself, only in the literature and on the web. Like the Convertible models, the Clubman models will simply be designated by “One”, “Cooper”, “Cooper D”, “Cooper S”. This gets around the pesky problem of a really long name (i.e. “MINI Cooper S Clubman”) on the boot. On the downside it allows the “Clubman” name a little less opportunity to become widely known.

As we’ve reported previously, the R55 MINI Clubman will mirror all R56 model configurations:


[ Clubman Update & Official Sketch ] MotoringFile