MINI USA has sent a note out to US dealers confirming the new Clubman ads as seen on MotoringFile recently. In fact the officially bulletin actually mentions YouTube and MotoringFile by name as places you’ll be seeing these new ads.

Also in the release is confirmation on news we heard awhile back that MINI USA’s ad agency BSSP will be working on the worldwide launch of the clubman. A MotoringFile tip of the hat to all those at the agency who helped with the win.

Here’s the full bulletin:

>In support of the MINI Clubman, which is launching overseas in November of 2007, European markets are running 30 second teaser videos online as part of the “One of These Things” viral marketing campaign. The videos are humorous parodies using the familiar tune, “One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong…” with the message that the new R55 clearly stands out from others in the crowd.

>These teasers are running on targeted websites with the intention to first pique the interest of cultural trendsetters and early adopters to kick-start viral and word-of-mouth conversations about the Clubman. However, since the Internet has no geographical boundaries you are likely to come across some of these videos on more popular sites such as YouTube and Motoring File. If you do, we hope you enjoy them!

>Marketing efforts for the US are still in development, since our launch is 3 months after Europe’s. But it’s worth noting that BSSP, MINI USA’s advertising agency, won the global ad campaign for Clubman and they are responsible for the “One of These Things” creative, so don’t be surprised if you see the teaser videos on some of your favorite US Web sites in upcoming months.