It includes both the 2008 model year price changes and the new Clubman. For all those in the US (or for those who just don’t like the configurator used elsewhere in the world) start clicking…
Pleasantly surprised that Hot Chocolate is also available in the Clubman S as well. Tough decisions ahead….. The net difference between a similarly equipped Cooper Clubman and a Cooper Clubman S is coming out to be $2,000.
How can I convince the wife that for an extra $2K the S is the way to go?
I also see that Cold Weather includes heated seats and powerfold mirrors for $500. If you buy either one ala carte they’re $500 each, so why even offer them ala cart…
…and as for Xenons in the Sport Package, clicking it does NOT make the ala carte Xenons change to “IN PKG”….
Okay, just spec’d a Clubman base the same as my current ’04 Coup base. Over $5K more, pushing almost $30K???? Load one up and push past $40K??? Sir Alex just turned over in his grave.
Sorry, take me out of the pre-order queue – it’s no longer a MINI at those prices, just BMW pig in a MINI skirt. Need our next car to be a bit bigger (and at a competitive price point) – guess its time to shop Japanese. Wife does like the Honda Element – $19K – $22K loaded.
<blockquote>ValparaisoExpress Nov 20th, 2007 Link
Pleasantly surprised that Hot Chocolate is also available in the Clubman S as well. Tough decisions ahead….. The net difference between a similarly equipped Cooper Clubman and a Cooper Clubman S is coming out to be $2,000.
How can I convince the wife that for an extra $2K the S is the way to go?
matt Nov 20th, 2007 Link </blockquote>
This is bad news.
It means that it is likely that this will be the color and car, Clubman MCS, to replace my wifes.
I was hoping to stick with something a little more safe as we do not plan to keep the car more than a couple of years.
Will HC have resale power?
A great 2008 R56 & R55 can be had for under $30K. I just built a JCW R56 (engine & suspension) for around $27K. It didn’t have much else, but it will perform great. As for the Clubman, premium and sport packages will get you a car for around $28K.
Leather, Navigation, and all that other stuff are luxury items. No one needs them, but if you want them you will pay the price.
Interesting that they won’t allow black rear trim on a black Clubman, nor Silver rear trim on a Silver Clubman.
Basically they INSIST that the rear trim is contrasting, whether you like it or not.
Depending on how easy it is to remove the rear trim, I imagine there will be some enterprising folks out there looking to “trade” so that they can produce an “all silver” or “all black” Clubman!
$37,200 for what I would order today. Note this is leaving out Step 5.
As usual… step 5 is ONLY for dealer-installed stuff, so I recommend that new buyers try to leave that stuff off for now – you can always add it later. Focus on the factory-installed items, which are much harder to retrofit after the car is built!
You can have a decently equipped Clubman S for under $28K:
Here is my preliminary spec:
MINI Cooper S Clubman $23,450
Destination $ 650
Hot Chocolate/Silver roof $ 500
Rear fog lamp $ 100
Automatic rearview mirror $ 250
Auto wipers/headlamps $ 250
Automatic Transmission $ 1,250
Park distance control $ 500
Garage homelink opener $ 250
MFSW steering wheel $ 250
Total $27,450
Of course if you have to have leather seats, fancy wheels, navigation, HIFI, JCW, sunroof, auto A/C, etc I can see someone paying well over $30K for one of these cars, which in my own brutal opinion, it ain’t worth it.
There are apparently a fair number of errors in the website. Xenons are not in the sport package, MF leather steering should be $500, MF wood should be $750. I’m sure there are more that I haven’t dug up in the 20 minutes I’ve spent with it. Maybe MINI should have spent the extra time proofreading the website.
That said, some of the new options are cool. Such as the new bluetooth/USB option.
The roof rack is interesting. It appears to be the standard roof rack from the coupe. I thought the ribs on the roof would knock that one out. I also thought they’d make use of the added length and put a longer rock on. Strange.
On a seperate note: Any word on if the bluetooth with usb can be used with an ipod yet? I wouldn’t mind using the auxiliary input for music and the usb just for charging and advancing tracks if possible.
<blockquote>A great 2008 R56 & R55 can be had for under $30K. I just built a JCW R56 (engine & suspension) for around $27K. It didn’t have much else, but it will perform great. As for the Clubman, premium and sport packages will get you a car for around $28K.</blockquote>
Yah, but when “semi-comparable” cars from other manufacturers are $10K less…… eg. a loaded Speed3 is $19K…. Or go crossover, Nissan Rogue, loaded is $20K…. The green, conscientious consumer in me just can’t become that conspicuous consumer and over-pay thousands in additional $$$ of my hard-earned money, for this, now over-priced, MINI .
Hmmm … I think the price of my configuration went down! With the Hi-Fi being pretty much free with the Premium package and some other stuff I think mine went down a couple hundred. Still hovering just under $30K so I still have some trimming to do before I can send it in for purchase.
My first car, my first Mini … I’m excited! Just have to save a bit more for a good downpayment.
<blockquote>Yah, but when “semi-comparable” cars from other manufacturers are $10K less…… eg. a loaded Speed3 is $19K…. Or go crossover, Nissan Rogue, loaded is $20K…. The green, conscientious consumer in me just can’t become that conspicuous consumer and over-pay thousands in additional $$$ of my hard-earned money, for this, now over-priced, MINI.</blockquote>
Umm…You do realize that comparing the Clubman to a Mazdaspeed 3 is like comparing the BMW 328xi to the Mazdaspeed 6? The Speed six has a more powerful motor and they both have all-wheel-drive and four doors. Why would anyone $10000 more for the overpriced BMW?
Clearly people ARE seeing the additional value in the Clubman. The easy way to tell is to call your local MINI dealer and ask them how many pre-orders they have.
<blockquote>Clearly people ARE seeing the additional value in the Clubman. The easy way to tell is to call your local MINI dealer and ask them how many pre-orders they have.</blockquote> Guess time will tell. I was on my local Dealer’s pre-order list until I saw the prices on the configurator today – couldn’t cancel fast enough. Not seeing the value. A friend just priced out a JCW, and loaded it just to see – came in at over $52 grand. Yah, I’d pay $52K for a subcompact wannabe sports coupe with a less than stellar maintenance/build rep, (not).
<blockquote>a loaded Speed3 is $19K…. Or go crossover, Nissan Rogue, loaded is $20K</blockquote>
Nissan and Mazda must be giving some good deals to get cars off the lot, because when I “load” a Mazda3 with <strong>all three options </strong> I get a price of 27,145 on their website. A Rogue with <strong>all four options</strong> gets a price of 27,415 on the Nissan site.
A Clubman S with Premium and Sport Packages and Leather is 28,600, which is similarly equipped to the two “competitors.” Not too much of a price difference. Plus there are far more than just a handful of options.
What? No silver sport strips available with the silver roof and C pillars on the configurator. Say it isn’t so! (Actually, they are available–as shown on the featured accessories page).
But, seriously, the difference between a ’08 MCS and a MCS Clubman with the same options I prefer is exactly $1750. So, for the extra space that makes a MINI a viable option for me to haul around two growing boys, I can ante up less than the cost of the nav system, lounge leather or satellite radio.
<blockquote>Nissan and Mazda must be giving some good deals to get cars off the lot, because when I “load” a Mazda3 with all three options I get a price of 27,145 on their website. A Rogue with all four options gets a price of 27,415 on the Nissan site.</blockquote> Just reg. deals, but unlike the vacuum MINI Dealers sell in, other car dealers will sell at just over their invoice, not the Manufacturer’s sticker price. Friend just bought a totally loaded Speed 3 for $19K and change, and we priced out a pimped out Rogue at the dealership for $20,700. Still leaning Honda Element, though. That comes in schweeet at $18,300 for AWD, loaded.
These comments are pretty funny. Bottom line is, the Clubman is about 2K more than the Coupe, no real difference besides that. Who in their right mind would consider that outrageous? Along the same lines, who in their right mind would compare a MINI with a Mazda, Nissan, or Honda?
I think it would be a great world if we could all buy loaded JCW Clubmans for under $20K, but that just isn’t reality. I don’t blame BMW for pricing these cars this way, as they put a lot more into them than a Japanese econobox, even a fun econobox like the MS3. They sell all they can build, so it makes perfect sense that they are priced as they are. Do I think that this is what the original Mini philosophy was for this car? No, but BMW has taken the car in a slightly different direction, and I obviously liked it enough to buy into it. There are those who won’t, and for them, there are other choices out there, but don’t compare the two, that is just silly.
These comments are pretty funny. Bottom line is, the Clubman is about 2K more than the Coupe, no real difference besides that. Who in their right mind would consider that outrageous? Along the same lines, who in their right mind would compare a MINI with a Mazda, Nissan, or Honda?
I think it would be a great world if we could all buy loaded JCW Clubmans for under $20K, but that just isn’t reality. I don’t blame BMW for pricing these cars this way, as they put a lot more into them than a Japanese econobox, even a fun econobox like the MS3. They sell all they can build, so it makes perfect sense that they are priced as they are. Do I think that this is what the original Mini philosophy was for this car? No, but BMW has taken the car in a slightly different direction, and I ob0
well, i’m not interested in any of those cars you mention mark, but i do agree about the value proposition. which is why i’ve bought all of my mini’s slightly used–helps bring the sticker shock down (esp on the jcw’s).
Hey Mark. Are you “green” because you are one of the phoney deep feeling enviro-lefters who love the Earth more than regular folks who just don’t care as much as you, or green because you’re too tight to buy a high end quality car? Why do you darken this site with the MINI vs Yugo price comparisons? Go buy a Kia and hand out with those guys.
I agree that comparing a MINI with a Nissan, Honda, Mazda etc. is like contrasting Jet Blue flights with first class traveling. If what matters to you is getting there, both will take you there. If you want a unique experience getting there, there’s only one way to go. Obviously, MINI’s are packed with features and someone has to pay for the product development as well. The bottom line is however that when you drive a MINI, you’ll experience what you get for your money. I’ve rented one in Germany and there wasn’t any speed limit on their highway over there… didn’t see any Nissan or Mazda passing me, if you see what I mean. It will always be hard for anyone who hasn’t driven a MINI to understand why you have to pay a little more. I’m personally fine if not everyone is buying a MINI. Not to sound arrogant, but the MINI community is unique and relies on a certain mindset you need to have. If you don’t, that’s fine with us. We’ll just keep on motoring by ourselves…
Don’t get mad, Greg, enjoy your MINI and keep drinking the cool-aid, the Cult is alive and well. The Senator won’t get off the plane until the MINI SUV arrives in 2010 😉
I can see where Mark is coming from and can’t totally disagree with him. Bottom line is that these cars are becoming very pricey and are invading price bracket territory of other fine machinery, including BMWs own 1-series.
However, as it has been so eloquently explained by others in this thread, is that the MINI is marketed as a premium small car, not a point A to B econobox appliance. Sure, there are a plethora of other cars in the market that offer more roof, practicality and power for much less money. But that is where the comparison starts to lose credibility and fast. Take the Nissan and Mazda products mentioned before. Nissans and Mazdas are pretty much run-of-the-mill mainstream Japanese products. They lack strong resale values, reliability is not in the same consistency as Toyota or Honda, the warranties on these vehicles tend to be shorter than those of luxury brands, dealer service support is spotty and last (but not least), everybody and their mother owns and drives a Mazda (Insert model here) and Nissan (Insert model here).
Bu the way, I saw the Nissan Rogue at the autoshow last weekend and I was totally and completely underwhelmed…. Another “me too!” Asian compact SUV, designed to compete with Toyota’s RAV4 and the Honda CR-V….. Very good cars in their own right but simply put, they don’t compete in MINI’s turf.
Does Nissan, Mazda et al gives you strong resale values? Do they include scheduled maintenance? Do they have the desirability factor of a MINI? Nope, I doubt it. With this I am not saying that other cars from other manufacturers do not have any redeeming qualities. Is just that, at this point in time in the United States, MINI doesn’t really have a direct competitor.
So because of all the tangible and un-tangible attributes of the MINI, you will pay a higher admission entry price. Take another common everyday example…. Take 2 laptops, one from Dell and one from Apple. Guess which one commands a higher base price? The Apple. Why? Because while the Dell might be a decent laptop in terms of hardware, it is saddled with a pedestrian operating system (XP/Vista whatever) while the Mac has more innovative features, a higher end design and a vastly superior operating system.
Both laptops probably can do the same tasks at pretty much the same speed, but there is a difference that can be felt and seen between the two.
So, it is up to the consumer, to make that determination whether it is worth it to pay ä little extra” for that brand/model of car or that higher end laptop. Most people are happy driving around in Suzukis, Toyotas, Fords and surfing the ‘net in cheap Dells, HPs and E-Machines.
Some of us are happy to motor around in a more unique car like a MINI and surf the net in our sleek MacBooks…
It is all relative… There is no right or wrong… It all boils down to WHAT YOU LIKE.
Hey Val:
Having worked at Apple for 6 yrs. I appreciate the comparison. But that was a few yrs ago. Currently Apple’s 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo laptop is $1,099.00. Dell’s 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo laptop is $1,599.00. So the MINI should be cheaper than those other “pedestrian” cars(like the original Mini was???
Cult of what? Common sense? I’m not foolish enough to buy into the agenda driven BS that you chumps worship. You and your like are the kool-ade chuggers.
and, i’d say it all depends on what options you want on your car/pc & what deals you find (as already has been mentioned).
picked up a new hp lappy for $925. comparable mac specs = $1650, mac refurb = $1400. imo, can’t justify the price diff in the rapidly depreciating pc market.
picked up my first jcw w/ every package & aero kit for $22.4k, 1.5yrs old, 15k miles. sticker $35k+
second jcw w/ every package, panther leather, aero kit, space blue metallic for $28k, garaged for 9mo, 3.5k miles. sticker $36.5k+
imo, can’t justify the price diff in the rapidly depreciating jcw market.
Glad you lot don’t live in the UK. Every other car is a MINI!!!! The Secondhand market is flooded with People trying to sell there MINIs.
Not long now for the Fiat 500 😉
should have added that i was basically saying what val said, it comes down to what u want.
for me a mac isn’t as capable for the work that i do w/o the dual boot bit & still having to buy vista (making it even more expensive than i listed).
and, while one could argue the mazda speed cars are good values, my mini is infinitely better for me in an ultra urban area like DC, even though it’s more expensive.
but, u can always shop around to minimize the damage.
One item that is not listed and yet every Mini buyer is paying is the “Mini brand”. To create, promote and maintain the brand, they have been spending millions. It is the abstract “value” that will cost you. I say maybe a thousand or so? If you are happy buying and driving and showing off your Mini, well, that is the value of the brand. And it is not free.
Glad you don’t live in the UK. Every other car here is a MINI. The second hand market is full of people trying to sell MINIs.. Hate to say it but the MINI is just another car here.
You should enjoy driving your MINI over there before it becomes “common”.
19K for a Speed3?? Are there factory incentives on them? Invoice is like 21K stripped…..I would say that doesn’t bode well for resale….
I know a guy that paid huge dollars, like 2k over sticker, for a 2003 Mazdaspeed Protege. He paid well over $20k. There’s one on eBay right now that got bid up to, wait for it, $6500! Think you might get a little more than than for an ’03 Cooper S?
Honestly, the price differences are minor from ’07 to ’08. What’s changed is they way they package some of the options. For example, if you want Xenons, it’s going to cost more in ’08 than it would have if you’re counting them as part of the ’07 Sport Pack. But I don’t see many individual options that have gone up a substantial amount, and many are lower; Navi, Aero Kit, Bluetooth all down $100.
the PC vs MAC thing is so 10 years ago … i use a PC daily for 12 hours at a time with minimal issues, but i hear and experienced the opposite with current macs.
its kind of the same with the MINI vs. Japanese … yes, the MINI is sexy and cool and performs, but the gremlins still persist. Was I bothered when I owned a MINI? … heck no … the tradeoff was worth it.
But the pricing IS climbing very rapidly on all MINI models and its happening with high priced add-ons that make the car perform/look better … good marketing strategy really.
I speced a 08 like my 03 and come up with a $4000+ price diffrence AND they are still ugly ducks compared to the uncomprimised R53….just makes me happy to have the car I have….
I’m looking for a Cooper without the ‘S’ attached. Comparing my 07 configuration with 08, the 08 is $200 more. Not bad at all for a car with (perhaps) less bugs than the 07.
If I were going to get a MINI today I’d get a ClubmanS, MCCS is it? Spec’d with a few necessities it comes out at $27,970 which is alot since that price does not include cool JCW items. This is with Sport Pack (2000), LSD (500), RF Lamp 100), Chrome Interior (250), Anthracite HL(250), PB Interior(250), Invisisheild-Foglamps (20).
This is a lot of money and please notice I will not be getting sunroof, leather, navigation, HD, Serious, 10 speakers, 18″ wheels, etc, etc. So this will have to wait for another year or two and by then who knows…
the mcsa I was speccing came out to be around the same or maybe less than it would have been for 07, but with the 10 speaker stereo included as a side effect of the new packages.
Just spec’d out a Clubbie S at around 26K, about 2K more than the “Just a Clubman” with similar features. (pretty tame except the cold pack and the MFSW.)
I don’t think that is outrageous since my ‘O6 MCS was about 24K and I am never giving it up!
The Clubman (what is it, R55?) is going to be our 2nd MINI come this summer. I can live without all the toys, and just enjoy the driving. I’ve got other toys at HOME for lounging and all that.
While I love to pretend that I need all those options on the configurator, and regularly save a NEW BUILD, maybe I should be more true to the original concept of Mini and just take a base model with NOTHING added!
I’m sure it’s worth it…but I just priced out Clubman S to the same standard as my ’04 MCS plus a few items and it came to more than $29k. My ’04 was under $21k. That’s a big difference. I’m thinking maybe I’d rather pay off my ’04 and keep it and pick up a nice mid-80s 911 SC or Carrera for $17k. Apples and oranges indeed but hmmm…
<blockquote>I’m sure it’s worth it…but I just priced out Clubman S to the same standard as my ‘04 MCS plus a few items and it came to more than $29k. My ‘04 was under $21k.</blockquote>
That doesn’t add up-an early ’04 MCS was $19999 including destination; in January ’04 they went to $20449. So your car had to have no packages, maybe just metallic paint.
To price out an ’08 MCS that way would be in the mid $22k range, which is actually crazy cheap if you look at what the Euro is doing against the dollar. A Clubman would be $2250 more-not worth it to me, but not a bad deal for the additional doors and storage. $29k gets you a lot of extras…..
I ran up just over 40K. I wan’t it now. Waiting for the JCW stuff later in the year still.
Hmmm….I thought the R56 Sport Package wasn’t going to have Xenons… the config wrong or did they change their minds?
Pleasantly surprised that Hot Chocolate is also available in the Clubman S as well. Tough decisions ahead….. The net difference between a similarly equipped Cooper Clubman and a Cooper Clubman S is coming out to be $2,000.
How can I convince the wife that for an extra $2K the S is the way to go?
32, leaving bits like the sunroof off. i’ll break 40 JCW’d up.
funny. i spec a 328 touring at 42.
’08 S = $44,156.00 [sigh]
hey, yeah.
when did they decide to offer the S in Hot Cocoa?
Bridge spokes no longer a no-charge option on the Cooper sports package. Pity.
I also see that Cold Weather includes heated seats and powerfold mirrors for $500. If you buy either one ala carte they’re $500 each, so why even offer them ala cart…
…and as for Xenons in the Sport Package, clicking it does NOT make the ala carte Xenons change to “IN PKG”….
Why is it that when I try and add JCW accesories they do not appear on my car? Same problem as the last configurator
Okay, just spec’d a Clubman base the same as my current ’04 Coup base. Over $5K more, pushing almost $30K???? Load one up and push past $40K??? Sir Alex just turned over in his grave.
Sorry, take me out of the pre-order queue – it’s no longer a MINI at those prices, just BMW pig in a MINI skirt. Need our next car to be a bit bigger (and at a competitive price point) – guess its time to shop Japanese. Wife does like the Honda Element – $19K – $22K loaded.
Xenons are only part of the Sports Package for Clubman S…
just spec’d a 328 touring. yep, 42 on the nose. BMW CCA discount and European Delivery should bring it down to 37ish. 135i money.
or 2000 M5 money with cash to spare on fuel and parts.
<blockquote>ValparaisoExpress Nov 20th, 2007 Link
Pleasantly surprised that Hot Chocolate is also available in the Clubman S as well. Tough decisions ahead….. The net difference between a similarly equipped Cooper Clubman and a Cooper Clubman S is coming out to be $2,000.
How can I convince the wife that for an extra $2K the S is the way to go?
matt Nov 20th, 2007 Link </blockquote>
This is bad news.
It means that it is likely that this will be the color and car, Clubman MCS, to replace my wifes.
I was hoping to stick with something a little more safe as we do not plan to keep the car more than a couple of years.
Will HC have resale power?
This hot chocolate and Clubman S is going to be trouble for my wife and I too… I’m off to finish configuring.
i hate the roof on the clubmans…too thick! Minus that, the clubman would be an awesome car!
who would pick a clubman s over a 128i???
They did a nice job making the 15″ wheels inaccuarately fill the entire wheel well.
<blockquote>who would pick a clubman s over a 128i???
completely different cars. sheesh.
Is the on-board computer standard now? Or it was standard starting with the 2007 models.
A great 2008 R56 & R55 can be had for under $30K. I just built a JCW R56 (engine & suspension) for around $27K. It didn’t have much else, but it will perform great. As for the Clubman, premium and sport packages will get you a car for around $28K.
Leather, Navigation, and all that other stuff are luxury items. No one needs them, but if you want them you will pay the price.
just me, or did several of the packages & accessories get more expensive?
Interesting that they won’t allow black rear trim on a black Clubman, nor Silver rear trim on a Silver Clubman.
Basically they INSIST that the rear trim is contrasting, whether you like it or not.
Depending on how easy it is to remove the rear trim, I imagine there will be some enterprising folks out there looking to “trade” so that they can produce an “all silver” or “all black” Clubman!
$37,200 for what I would order today. Note this is leaving out Step 5.
As usual… step 5 is ONLY for dealer-installed stuff, so I recommend that new buyers try to leave that stuff off for now – you can always add it later. Focus on the factory-installed items, which are much harder to retrofit after the car is built!
You can have a decently equipped Clubman S for under $28K:
Here is my preliminary spec:
MINI Cooper S Clubman $23,450
Destination $ 650
Hot Chocolate/Silver roof $ 500
Rear fog lamp $ 100
Automatic rearview mirror $ 250
Auto wipers/headlamps $ 250
Automatic Transmission $ 1,250
Park distance control $ 500
Garage homelink opener $ 250
MFSW steering wheel $ 250
Total $27,450
Of course if you have to have leather seats, fancy wheels, navigation, HIFI, JCW, sunroof, auto A/C, etc I can see someone paying well over $30K for one of these cars, which in my own brutal opinion, it ain’t worth it.
Interesting. I priced out an S Clubman for about $28K … not bad really, but I still have a problem with the interior, but really dig the exterior!
Will wait for the next interior facelift before possibly going back to MINI. Been enjoying my Mazda3 for almost 3 months already 🙂
There are apparently a fair number of errors in the website. Xenons are not in the sport package, MF leather steering should be $500, MF wood should be $750. I’m sure there are more that I haven’t dug up in the 20 minutes I’ve spent with it. Maybe MINI should have spent the extra time proofreading the website.
That said, some of the new options are cool. Such as the new bluetooth/USB option.
Correction: I was refering to the R56 Cooper S when I said that Xenons aren’t in the Sport package. They are in the Clubman S sport pack.
The roof rack is interesting. It appears to be the standard roof rack from the coupe. I thought the ribs on the roof would knock that one out. I also thought they’d make use of the added length and put a longer rock on. Strange.
On a seperate note: Any word on if the bluetooth with usb can be used with an ipod yet? I wouldn’t mind using the auxiliary input for music and the usb just for charging and advancing tracks if possible.
<blockquote>A great 2008 R56 & R55 can be had for under $30K. I just built a JCW R56 (engine & suspension) for around $27K. It didn’t have much else, but it will perform great. As for the Clubman, premium and sport packages will get you a car for around $28K.</blockquote>
Yah, but when “semi-comparable” cars from other manufacturers are $10K less…… eg. a loaded Speed3 is $19K…. Or go crossover, Nissan Rogue, loaded is $20K…. The green, conscientious consumer in me just can’t become that conspicuous consumer and over-pay thousands in additional $$$ of my hard-earned money, for this, now over-priced, MINI .
Hmmm … I think the price of my configuration went down! With the Hi-Fi being pretty much free with the Premium package and some other stuff I think mine went down a couple hundred. Still hovering just under $30K so I still have some trimming to do before I can send it in for purchase.
My first car, my first Mini … I’m excited! Just have to save a bit more for a good downpayment.
<blockquote>Yah, but when “semi-comparable” cars from other manufacturers are $10K less…… eg. a loaded Speed3 is $19K…. Or go crossover, Nissan Rogue, loaded is $20K…. The green, conscientious consumer in me just can’t become that conspicuous consumer and over-pay thousands in additional $$$ of my hard-earned money, for this, now over-priced, MINI.</blockquote>
Umm…You do realize that comparing the Clubman to a Mazdaspeed 3 is like comparing the BMW 328xi to the Mazdaspeed 6? The Speed six has a more powerful motor and they both have all-wheel-drive and four doors. Why would anyone $10000 more for the overpriced BMW?
Clearly people ARE seeing the additional value in the Clubman. The easy way to tell is to call your local MINI dealer and ask them how many pre-orders they have.
<blockquote>Clearly people ARE seeing the additional value in the Clubman. The easy way to tell is to call your local MINI dealer and ask them how many pre-orders they have.</blockquote> Guess time will tell. I was on my local Dealer’s pre-order list until I saw the prices on the configurator today – couldn’t cancel fast enough. Not seeing the value. A friend just priced out a JCW, and loaded it just to see – came in at over $52 grand. Yah, I’d pay $52K for a subcompact wannabe sports coupe with a less than stellar maintenance/build rep, (not).
<blockquote>a loaded Speed3 is $19K…. Or go crossover, Nissan Rogue, loaded is $20K</blockquote>
Nissan and Mazda must be giving some good deals to get cars off the lot, because when I “load” a Mazda3 with <strong>all three options </strong> I get a price of 27,145 on their website. A Rogue with <strong>all four options</strong> gets a price of 27,415 on the Nissan site.
A Clubman S with Premium and Sport Packages and Leather is 28,600, which is similarly equipped to the two “competitors.” Not too much of a price difference. Plus there are far more than just a handful of options.
Perfect, there goes my productivity at work.
A car spec’d the same as my 07 MCS was about 15% more.
What? No silver sport strips available with the silver roof and C pillars on the configurator. Say it isn’t so! (Actually, they are available–as shown on the featured accessories page).
But, seriously, the difference between a ’08 MCS and a MCS Clubman with the same options I prefer is exactly $1750. So, for the extra space that makes a MINI a viable option for me to haul around two growing boys, I can ante up less than the cost of the nav system, lounge leather or satellite radio.
Count me in!!
<blockquote>Nissan and Mazda must be giving some good deals to get cars off the lot, because when I “load” a Mazda3 with all three options I get a price of 27,145 on their website. A Rogue with all four options gets a price of 27,415 on the Nissan site.</blockquote> Just reg. deals, but unlike the vacuum MINI Dealers sell in, other car dealers will sell at just over their invoice, not the Manufacturer’s sticker price. Friend just bought a totally loaded Speed 3 for $19K and change, and we priced out a pimped out Rogue at the dealership for $20,700. Still leaning Honda Element, though. That comes in schweeet at $18,300 for AWD, loaded.
These comments are pretty funny. Bottom line is, the Clubman is about 2K more than the Coupe, no real difference besides that. Who in their right mind would consider that outrageous? Along the same lines, who in their right mind would compare a MINI with a Mazda, Nissan, or Honda?
I think it would be a great world if we could all buy loaded JCW Clubmans for under $20K, but that just isn’t reality. I don’t blame BMW for pricing these cars this way, as they put a lot more into them than a Japanese econobox, even a fun econobox like the MS3. They sell all they can build, so it makes perfect sense that they are priced as they are. Do I think that this is what the original Mini philosophy was for this car? No, but BMW has taken the car in a slightly different direction, and I obviously liked it enough to buy into it. There are those who won’t, and for them, there are other choices out there, but don’t compare the two, that is just silly.
These comments are pretty funny. Bottom line is, the Clubman is about 2K more than the Coupe, no real difference besides that. Who in their right mind would consider that outrageous? Along the same lines, who in their right mind would compare a MINI with a Mazda, Nissan, or Honda?
I think it would be a great world if we could all buy loaded JCW Clubmans for under $20K, but that just isn’t reality. I don’t blame BMW for pricing these cars this way, as they put a lot more into them than a Japanese econobox, even a fun econobox like the MS3. They sell all they can build, so it makes perfect sense that they are priced as they are. Do I think that this is what the original Mini philosophy was for this car? No, but BMW has taken the car in a slightly different direction, and I ob0
well, i’m not interested in any of those cars you mention mark, but i do agree about the value proposition. which is why i’ve bought all of my mini’s slightly used–helps bring the sticker shock down (esp on the jcw’s).
Hey Mark. Are you “green” because you are one of the phoney deep feeling enviro-lefters who love the Earth more than regular folks who just don’t care as much as you, or green because you’re too tight to buy a high end quality car? Why do you darken this site with the MINI vs Yugo price comparisons? Go buy a Kia and hand out with those guys.
I agree that comparing a MINI with a Nissan, Honda, Mazda etc. is like contrasting Jet Blue flights with first class traveling. If what matters to you is getting there, both will take you there. If you want a unique experience getting there, there’s only one way to go. Obviously, MINI’s are packed with features and someone has to pay for the product development as well. The bottom line is however that when you drive a MINI, you’ll experience what you get for your money. I’ve rented one in Germany and there wasn’t any speed limit on their highway over there… didn’t see any Nissan or Mazda passing me, if you see what I mean. It will always be hard for anyone who hasn’t driven a MINI to understand why you have to pay a little more. I’m personally fine if not everyone is buying a MINI. Not to sound arrogant, but the MINI community is unique and relies on a certain mindset you need to have. If you don’t, that’s fine with us. We’ll just keep on motoring by ourselves…
Don’t get mad, Greg, enjoy your MINI and keep drinking the cool-aid, the Cult is alive and well. The Senator won’t get off the plane until the MINI SUV arrives in 2010 😉
I can see where Mark is coming from and can’t totally disagree with him. Bottom line is that these cars are becoming very pricey and are invading price bracket territory of other fine machinery, including BMWs own 1-series.
However, as it has been so eloquently explained by others in this thread, is that the MINI is marketed as a premium small car, not a point A to B econobox appliance. Sure, there are a plethora of other cars in the market that offer more roof, practicality and power for much less money. But that is where the comparison starts to lose credibility and fast. Take the Nissan and Mazda products mentioned before. Nissans and Mazdas are pretty much run-of-the-mill mainstream Japanese products. They lack strong resale values, reliability is not in the same consistency as Toyota or Honda, the warranties on these vehicles tend to be shorter than those of luxury brands, dealer service support is spotty and last (but not least), everybody and their mother owns and drives a Mazda (Insert model here) and Nissan (Insert model here).
Bu the way, I saw the Nissan Rogue at the autoshow last weekend and I was totally and completely underwhelmed…. Another “me too!” Asian compact SUV, designed to compete with Toyota’s RAV4 and the Honda CR-V….. Very good cars in their own right but simply put, they don’t compete in MINI’s turf.
Does Nissan, Mazda et al gives you strong resale values? Do they include scheduled maintenance? Do they have the desirability factor of a MINI? Nope, I doubt it. With this I am not saying that other cars from other manufacturers do not have any redeeming qualities. Is just that, at this point in time in the United States, MINI doesn’t really have a direct competitor.
So because of all the tangible and un-tangible attributes of the MINI, you will pay a higher admission entry price. Take another common everyday example…. Take 2 laptops, one from Dell and one from Apple. Guess which one commands a higher base price? The Apple. Why? Because while the Dell might be a decent laptop in terms of hardware, it is saddled with a pedestrian operating system (XP/Vista whatever) while the Mac has more innovative features, a higher end design and a vastly superior operating system.
Both laptops probably can do the same tasks at pretty much the same speed, but there is a difference that can be felt and seen between the two.
So, it is up to the consumer, to make that determination whether it is worth it to pay ä little extra” for that brand/model of car or that higher end laptop. Most people are happy driving around in Suzukis, Toyotas, Fords and surfing the ‘net in cheap Dells, HPs and E-Machines.
Some of us are happy to motor around in a more unique car like a MINI and surf the net in our sleek MacBooks…
It is all relative… There is no right or wrong… It all boils down to WHAT YOU LIKE.
Hey Val:
Having worked at Apple for 6 yrs. I appreciate the comparison. But that was a few yrs ago. Currently Apple’s 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo laptop is $1,099.00. Dell’s 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo laptop is $1,599.00. So the MINI should be cheaper than those other “pedestrian” cars(like the original Mini was???
here we go w/ the pc & mac fanboyism…
Cult of what? Common sense? I’m not foolish enough to buy into the agenda driven BS that you chumps worship. You and your like are the kool-ade chuggers.
Go buy your Smart car cheepo.
and, i’d say it all depends on what options you want on your car/pc & what deals you find (as already has been mentioned).
picked up a new hp lappy for $925. comparable mac specs = $1650, mac refurb = $1400. imo, can’t justify the price diff in the rapidly depreciating pc market.
picked up my first jcw w/ every package & aero kit for $22.4k, 1.5yrs old, 15k miles. sticker $35k+
second jcw w/ every package, panther leather, aero kit, space blue metallic for $28k, garaged for 9mo, 3.5k miles. sticker $36.5k+
imo, can’t justify the price diff in the rapidly depreciating jcw market.
Glad you lot don’t live in the UK. Every other car is a MINI!!!! The Secondhand market is flooded with People trying to sell there MINIs.
Not long now for the Fiat 500 😉
should have added that i was basically saying what val said, it comes down to what u want.
for me a mac isn’t as capable for the work that i do w/o the dual boot bit & still having to buy vista (making it even more expensive than i listed).
and, while one could argue the mazda speed cars are good values, my mini is infinitely better for me in an ultra urban area like DC, even though it’s more expensive.
but, u can always shop around to minimize the damage.
One item that is not listed and yet every Mini buyer is paying is the “Mini brand”. To create, promote and maintain the brand, they have been spending millions. It is the abstract “value” that will cost you. I say maybe a thousand or so? If you are happy buying and driving and showing off your Mini, well, that is the value of the brand. And it is not free.
Glad you don’t live in the UK. Every other car here is a MINI. The second hand market is full of people trying to sell MINIs.. Hate to say it but the MINI is just another car here.
You should enjoy driving your MINI over there before it becomes “common”.
19K for a Speed3?? Are there factory incentives on them? Invoice is like 21K stripped…..I would say that doesn’t bode well for resale….
I know a guy that paid huge dollars, like 2k over sticker, for a 2003 Mazdaspeed Protege. He paid well over $20k. There’s one on eBay right now that got bid up to, wait for it, $6500! Think you might get a little more than than for an ’03 Cooper S?
Honestly, the price differences are minor from ’07 to ’08. What’s changed is they way they package some of the options. For example, if you want Xenons, it’s going to cost more in ’08 than it would have if you’re counting them as part of the ’07 Sport Pack. But I don’t see many individual options that have gone up a substantial amount, and many are lower; Navi, Aero Kit, Bluetooth all down $100.
the PC vs MAC thing is so 10 years ago … i use a PC daily for 12 hours at a time with minimal issues, but i hear and experienced the opposite with current macs.
its kind of the same with the MINI vs. Japanese … yes, the MINI is sexy and cool and performs, but the gremlins still persist. Was I bothered when I owned a MINI? … heck no … the tradeoff was worth it.
But the pricing IS climbing very rapidly on all MINI models and its happening with high priced add-ons that make the car perform/look better … good marketing strategy really.
I speced a 08 like my 03 and come up with a $4000+ price diffrence AND they are still ugly ducks compared to the uncomprimised R53….just makes me happy to have the car I have….
I’m looking for a Cooper without the ‘S’ attached. Comparing my 07 configuration with 08, the 08 is $200 more. Not bad at all for a car with (perhaps) less bugs than the 07.
If I were going to get a MINI today I’d get a ClubmanS, MCCS is it? Spec’d with a few necessities it comes out at $27,970 which is alot since that price does not include cool JCW items. This is with Sport Pack (2000), LSD (500), RF Lamp 100), Chrome Interior (250), Anthracite HL(250), PB Interior(250), Invisisheild-Foglamps (20).
This is a lot of money and please notice I will not be getting sunroof, leather, navigation, HD, Serious, 10 speakers, 18″ wheels, etc, etc. So this will have to wait for another year or two and by then who knows…
anyone else notice jcw front floor mats are…$0?
the mcsa I was speccing came out to be around the same or maybe less than it would have been for 07, but with the 10 speaker stereo included as a side effect of the new packages.
Just spec’d out a Clubbie S at around 26K, about 2K more than the “Just a Clubman” with similar features. (pretty tame except the cold pack and the MFSW.)
I don’t think that is outrageous since my ‘O6 MCS was about 24K and I am never giving it up!
The Clubman (what is it, R55?) is going to be our 2nd MINI come this summer. I can live without all the toys, and just enjoy the driving. I’ve got other toys at HOME for lounging and all that.
While I love to pretend that I need all those options on the configurator, and regularly save a NEW BUILD, maybe I should be more true to the original concept of Mini and just take a base model with NOTHING added!
I’m sure it’s worth it…but I just priced out Clubman S to the same standard as my ’04 MCS plus a few items and it came to more than $29k. My ’04 was under $21k. That’s a big difference. I’m thinking maybe I’d rather pay off my ’04 and keep it and pick up a nice mid-80s 911 SC or Carrera for $17k. Apples and oranges indeed but hmmm…
<blockquote>I’m sure it’s worth it…but I just priced out Clubman S to the same standard as my ‘04 MCS plus a few items and it came to more than $29k. My ‘04 was under $21k.</blockquote>
That doesn’t add up-an early ’04 MCS was $19999 including destination; in January ’04 they went to $20449. So your car had to have no packages, maybe just metallic paint.
To price out an ’08 MCS that way would be in the mid $22k range, which is actually crazy cheap if you look at what the Euro is doing against the dollar. A Clubman would be $2250 more-not worth it to me, but not a bad deal for the additional doors and storage. $29k gets you a lot of extras…..
Hope everyone had a great turkey day!
Just placed my order in for a new Clubman…Yay!