<p>I’ve been waiting for something like this. Thanks for getting it distributed. Seems installation of the IanCull Auto-Up/DSC chip is exacerbated by these gauges on my MC40.</p>
<p>As a sidenote: has anyone here installed the chip on a gauged MINI? Links? Pointers?</p>
<p>I think the <a rel="nofollow" href="http://outmotoring.com/alta_gauge_pod.html" title="Alta Gauge Pod at OutMotoring.com">Alta Gauge Pod</a> is a much more attractive (and usable) sol’n. $150 without the gauges (or, presumably, any kind of wiring harness), however. I wonder if Ian could come up with an elegant solution? :-)</p>
<p>That’s great for those that don’t have the chrono pack. If any of you out there are considering the chrono pack, you get both an oil temp and oil pressure gauge. What I’m waiting for is a retrofit factory boost gauge.
<p>This gauge gives the exact temperature. I was talking to one of the main engineers of mini Belgium, and he told about the gauges in the cockpit chrono pack are fake. The are cotrolled by the ecu and the readings are calculated by other engine parameters. So, he told me, if you would run out of engine oil the oil pressure gauge in the cockpit chrono pack would stil tell you it’s ok, but the warninglight should light up.</p>
<p>This guy also told me about his experience in the mini challenge competition with open air airfilters. He said that the cars with open air airfilters had less compression on only the first cilinder after one season of competition. He said it was due to extra turbulence at the first airintake valve. So everyone who’s using these filters be warned. Great site by the way.</p>
<p><em>A big thanks to Scott for this one.</em></p>
<p>Thanks a lot. Have been looking forward to reading this for some time.
Now I only need to know how much hard work is it…</p>
<p>Hey Gabe,</p>
<p>I sent you this exact same PDF way back on December 7th of last year (along with the heated seats retrofit PDF). What’s up with that????</p>
<p>Sorry Mike – I get around 75-100 emails a day so I must have missed it. I’ll look for it tonight. </p>
<p>No worries. I was wondering why they never got posted in the “How To Guides” section. :)</p>
<p>If you want me to send the heated seats retrofit PDF again, just let me know.</p>
<p>The temperature sensor replaces the oil drain plug?! Egads!</p>
<p>… that being said, what’s this thing run? I can’t find a price for it.</p>
<p>I’ve been waiting for something like this. Thanks for getting it distributed. Seems installation of the IanCull Auto-Up/DSC chip is exacerbated by these gauges on my MC40.</p>
<p>As a sidenote: has anyone here installed the chip on a gauged MINI? Links? Pointers?</p>
<p>oh, and mike,</p>
<p>i for one would be very interested is seeing the heated seat pdf. :)</p>
<p>Just send me an e-mail and I’ll reply with the PDF as an attachment.</p>
<p>According to the most recent Accessories Guide the Aux Gauge pack costs ~$250.</p>
<p><a href="http://outmotoring.com/mini" rel="nofollow ugc">http://outmotoring.com/mini</a><em>gauge</em>pod<em>with</em>gauges.html</p>
<p>Thanks Aaron – you beat me to it!</p>
<p>gmini, you can see a blurb here re: auto-up install <a href="http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34699&highlight=guages" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.northamericanmotoring.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34699&highlight=guages</a></p>
<p>It’s a very tight squeeze, but you can just get by the guages to get the circuit in the proper place. </p>
<p>I think the <a rel="nofollow" href="http://outmotoring.com/alta_gauge_pod.html" title="Alta Gauge Pod at OutMotoring.com">Alta Gauge Pod</a> is a much more attractive (and usable) sol’n. $150 without the gauges (or, presumably, any kind of wiring harness), however. I wonder if Ian could come up with an elegant solution? :-)</p>
<p>That’s great for those that don’t have the chrono pack. If any of you out there are considering the chrono pack, you get both an oil temp and oil pressure gauge. What I’m waiting for is a retrofit factory boost gauge.
<p>This gauge gives the exact temperature. I was talking to one of the main engineers of mini Belgium, and he told about the gauges in the cockpit chrono pack are fake. The are cotrolled by the ecu and the readings are calculated by other engine parameters. So, he told me, if you would run out of engine oil the oil pressure gauge in the cockpit chrono pack would stil tell you it’s ok, but the warninglight should light up.</p>
<p>Wow – that’s an interesting bit if info. Thanks riky.</p>
<p>This guy also told me about his experience in the mini challenge competition with open air airfilters. He said that the cars with open air airfilters had less compression on only the first cilinder after one season of competition. He said it was due to extra turbulence at the first airintake valve. So everyone who’s using these filters be warned. Great site by the way.</p>