Judging the emails we've been getting lately at MotoringFile it seems everyone is either buying a 2005 MINI or in a desperate need to at least play with the 2005 MINI configuator. So after some digging here is what we've learned about it's release date on MINIUSA.com. Apparently it was set to launch around Sept 1 which generally is the new model year timeframe, however due to the changed timeframe for 2005 it will unfortunately debut quite a while after production commences on July 1. That being said those behind MINIUSA are hard at work and pulling out all stops for a late mid/summer debut for the 2005 configurator. To quote an inside source: “we're cooking up some pretty cool features”.
<p>So, does this mean that MINI will have the specs and price for the 2005 JCW Package when the configurator launches?</p>
<p>2 days ago I was spec-ing the 2005 S with a Works package. David Olenick at Knauz said they didn't have a price on the 2005 cars yet, but that the Works package is dealer installed and comes in at $6000 including labor. Also, you can now order the 2005's</p>
<p>Does the new WORKS come with more HP now?</p>
<p>it's gonna be very interesting to see how much all these new options will cost! i am anxious just like the rest of you, although i think i'm gonna have to wait for the jan. 05's to get the options i want! :)</p>
<p>I agree completely. That raises the interesting question if you can get on a waiting list now or in July and specify that you want a car manufactured after 1/05. Does anyone know if that is possible?</p>
<p>So say somebody(Me) wants to get a foctory painted aero kit for a Indi Blue Mini, whens the last day said person could get one??</p>
<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>
<p>Paul – your dealer should always be able to handle that. BMW has traditionally always kept stock of all it's previous colors ready for just such occasions!</p>
<p>Still not clear on this. Will every MINI built after July 1, 2004 be a model year 2005? If so, there can't be very many more open slots to order a 2004.</p>
<p>Yes – all MINIs built after July 1 are 2005s</p>
<p>Can't wait to see if I'll be able to configure an 05 Steptronic S with the JCW mods…</p>
<p>I'm Sooo excited that my heart is pounding fast than Ever !!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>If you absolutely can't wait for MINIUSA, head on over to <a href="http://www.mini.co.uk" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.mini.co.uk</a>. You can configure the new models, including the MCS Convertible.</p>
<p>It's my understanding that the dealers won't be taking orders for cars being built after 01/05. However, you should be able to communicate to the dealership that this is your wish so you can be among the first on the list when the ordering window opens. Keep in mind, I am no expert, I only came to this conclusion when I ordered my '05 MCS in late June. Good luck. :o)</p>
<p>“Greg / May 28, 2004 7:25 PM
I agree completely. That raises the interesting question if you can get on a waiting list now or in July and specify that you want a car manufactured after 1/05. Does anyone know if that is possible?”</p>
<p>That raises the interesting question if you can get on a waiting list now or in July and specify that you want a car manufactured after 1/05. Does anyone know if that is possible?”</p>
<p>Yes: I have been on the cabrio list for 2 years.
I will be #1 on the 1/05 order for my dealer. Wanted to wait for the kinks to be worked out.</p>
<p>i kinda dont get it, EXACTLY when will the first 05 MCS arrive to the USA for selling?</p>
<p>We should be seeing the first 2005 models around August 1st or shortly thereafter.</p>
<p>ok so if the 05 MCS ( not the convertible ) will be for sell around august 1st? then what does all the people mean when they talk about their 1/05 orders from their dealers?</p>
<p>What exactly are the option differences between the August '04 and Jan '05 models?</p>
<p>There are a bunch of things but what most people are waiting for is the option of a limited slip. The MCS will also be availble as an automatic but that doesn't seem too popular around here.</p>
<p>I'm very interested in getting a convertible and have read the new specs coming in 1/05. I live in New York and have gone to 2 BMW dealers with no luck to see one. Where can I see one and test drive one?</p>
<p>My other question is when can I order one?</p>
<p>Thanks so much for your help.</p>