This Tuesday, Speed Channel's Tuner Transformation will be featuring a MINI for the first time. Here's the inside story from the owner himself:

Well, as it turns out I was selected to participate in that new TV show “Tuner Transformation.” The format is pretty simple. They know what I use the car for, they take that into account, however they don't tell me what mods they're going to be doing until they reveal the car to me at the end. This way they get my reaction etc. So I could end up with a purple car with pink polkadots but I could also end up with a great autocross/performance car. Think of it like one of those home decorating shows like “While you were out” except for cars.

The episode will be airing on Speed channel Tuesday March 30th at 7PM EST. I've got the car back but cannot post pictures etc of the car or discuss it. Watch the episode!
