While it looks as if there might be a slight dusting of snow tonight by no means will that keep us from the drive. We’ll still be meeting at 8 and plan to leave around 8:30. Don’t forget to bring any FRS radios you might have so we can all communicate with each other. I’ll be in the Indie Blue/White Cooper and will have name tags and Sharpie’s if anyone is interested in wearing one (not the sharpie) Steve will be in the Red/White and will have the maps for everyone.
The forcast for Sunday calls for Mostly Sunny skies with a balmy high of 18°F.
Hope to see all you Chicago folks there!
<p>Looking forward to a fun drive. Huge thanks Gabe for hosting this site, and having a place for keeping and organising all this stuff, and of course all the promotional work getting the word out to everyone..</p>
<p>Yes, many thanks to Gabe for giving us this meeting place…I see a lot of new names, and look forward to seeing everyone Sunday.</p>
<p>I will be there with Flames on!</p>
<p>I'll be there with the extingusher</p>
<p>The snow was all my fault, since I washed my car today.. sorry all…</p>
<p>Sorry my obligations kept me away, but I can't wait to see the pictures!</p>