I don't usually post about items like this but I've gotten lots of questions regarding where to find the Euro Parcel Shelf. Classic MINI, in Cleavland Ohio, has the Parcel Shelf on special for only $69.40 shipped.
Beyond that they have many OEM parts for up to 20% off. Contact Brian Flick at 440/266.6700 for more information.
Update: The price has risen slightly but is still being offered for $75. I've also found most MINI parts counters will honor the $75 price if you mention that you can get it at Classic MINI for that amount.
<p>Thanks Gabe. Your site really helps.
I will go ahead & email them. :)</p>
<p>Where can I purchase parcel shelf??</p>
<p><a href="http://www.driveclassicmini.com/index.asp">Classic MINI</a>, in Cleavland Ohio, has the <a href="http://www.minicooperonline.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB_14&file=index&action=viewtopic&topic=7617&0">Parcel Shelf on special</a> for only $69.40 shipped. Contact <a href=mailto: bmwparts@Classicautocampus.com
">Brian Flick</a> at 440/266.6700 for more information.</p>
<p>Overpaying suxs :(</p>
<p>does anyone know if this is still valid with classic mini? or how i would price match seeing how there is no website?</p>