This is not confirmed but I heard from a fairly reliable source that MINI is working on a kit that (judging from the name) will allow users to activate their installed rear foglight.
Have others heard anything similiar?
For those who've never heard of rear foglights: The idea is that they try to prevent the multi car pile-ups you see on highways when the fog is very thick. As many of you know the empty slot in the toggle switch row is filled with the rear fog light switch everywhere in the world but the US. For some reason it's been determined that we don't need rear fog lights. In fact there is an online petition for them to offer the lights as a retro fit kit on all MINIs.
For information on how to turn your unused rear foglights into brakelights check out this post from January. I personally find more value in them being brake lights but it would be great to at least have the option
<p>I've also heard this rumor early on from friends in Europe, which I why I'm holding out on the brake light mod. :)</p>
<p>I did the brakelight mod, so I'm going to keep my foot on the brake during multi-car pile ups :)</p>
<p>If you do the brakelight mod with paper clip or jumper wire, it would only take 5 minutes to remove. You would have the benefit of the extra brakelights until you decide to switch over to a fog light. Compare the with and without at our next group ride. I think it makes a huge difference, and will hopefully help me from becoming a Buick hood ornament someday.</p>
<p>Does anyone know where there are any pictures of a car with the rear foglights on? I did the brake switcheroo this weekend and really think it makes a difference with the extra lights going on when I'm braking… </p>
<p>On the topic of the brakelight mod, I discovered that it was much easier to just remove the plug from the set of lights in each brakelight than removing the whole lighting assembly (as was noted in the instructions)… </p>
<p>I removed the assembly from my left brake light and it took me about 10 minutes to get the thing back in! The right brake light (just removing the plug going to the lighting assembly) took me all of 30 seconds to jump, tape and plug back in! 🙂 Just thought I'd share a little hint.</p>
<p>Actually all the photos I've seen with the rear foglights on only show the left side actually lit up. I believe the right side never actually gets turned on when rear fogs are operational. Maybe someone from other parts of the world can verify this.</p>
<p>It can be easier to just remove the plug – but it's also kinda cool to see the whole assembly. Also for the some reason the left side is pretty hard to put back. The right side always seems to go right in easily. I'm not entirely sure why but the fact I'm left handed and with the left light you have to reach in with your right hand doesn't help</p>
<p>Anyone have the part numbers to order these retro-fit rear fog light kits?</p>
<p>The part numbers won't be released until the units themselves are released in October.</p>