[UPDATE] It looks like the CVT Steering Wheel mounted shifters will be available soon. This photo is courtesy of Paul at MINI2. They'll work just as the current console shifter does but pulling back shifts up and pushing forward takes it down a gear.
The question I have is whether a version of BMW's acclaimed semi-automatic transmission, SMG, will make it to the next generation MCS. I think that would be a great compromise between those who don't want to see the MCS get “soft” by getting a true auto and those who want more performance.
<p>I don't know if I'd like those when hand-over-handing in a tight twisty! HMMM.</p>
<pre><code> BCNU,
Rob in Dago
<p>Good point, Rob. I have enough trouble trying to adjust the volume in curves. 🙂 </p>
<p>Gabe, do you know if these shifters will be in lieu of or in addition to the console mounted shifter?</p>
<p>I saw these last month at my dealer, but it was in a MINI someone was picking up so I didnt get to play with them, they're going to be on the MINI we pick up in the next couple of weeks.</p>
<p>They don't look nearly as 'big n ugly' in person as they do in the photo. The gear shifter is still the exact same, all we have extra now are the steering wheel mounted paddles.</p>
<p>Theyre standard from any April or March build CVT coopers sold to Canada at least, but an option elsewhere I believe.</p>
<p>James – would you be interested in giving us a review of the shifters when you get your car?</p>
<p>BTW Gabe, a CVT does not make a person or his car soft! It's actually as cool as an automatic can be.</p>
<p>Sorry – just trying to pass along what others have expressed as a concern. Don't mean to diss the CVT folks!!</p>
<p>Sure Gabe, hopefully it'll be here soon, it arrived in Nova Scotia last week and should make its way down to Ontario in the next 2 weeks</p>