Today MINIUSA introduced four new commercials highlighting the 2003 North American Car of the Year Award.
- Hose
- Amusement
- Breeze
- Carbonation
and my personal favorite:
You can read posts about other MINI commercials from around the world here (UK) and here (Canada). And finally you can always check out the entire list of commercials at Bridger.us/MINI in the “Video” section on the right hand side of the site.
Oh and while your at MINIUSA.com checking out the new commercials be sure to check out the two new games and other content that has been added as well.
<p>Thanks Gabe – I agree with your pick :)</p>
<p>Wonder where the one about lawyers is …</p>
<p>Great! My fave is “Amusement” though…</p>
<p>Nice movies. I picked these up off a French mini site yesterday. They're not ad's per say… but they do the job. </p>
<p><a href="http://www.mini-power.ch/bilder/videos/divers/rs.wmv" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.mini-power.ch/bilder/videos/divers/rs.wmv</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.mini-power.ch/bilder/videos/divers/pp.wmv" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.mini-power.ch/bilder/videos/divers/pp.wmv</a></p>
<p>Do they have a CD with the full length version of the “Amusement” soundtrack? That rawks!</p>
<p>Carbonation: Definetly captures a portion of what driving a MINI is all about. Oh Boy!</p>
<p>Carbonation: Part of the reason I don't allow drinks in the car..</p>
<p>Amusement is my favorite.</p>
<p>That rawks!</p>
<p>Victoria spells with a Chicago accent!</p>