Perusing the MINI web recently I came across this post on

I have joined the BMW Car Club of America! I do not really think of GBMINI as a BMW … but apparently some people do. Hopefully I will get some benefit from joining the group; reports if/when they happen!

As a proud member of the BMWCCA I know first hand it's many benefits. That being said I've always been of the belief that the MINI should have it's own identity and it's own owner's clubs. In fact I believe it strongly enough to have helped found the Chicago MINI Motoring Club.

Yet I've been batting around a couple questions lately. For those who already own BMWs and are in the BMWCCA is it worth finding a local MINI club to join? Or as a MINI owner that doesn't own BMWs is it worth joining the BMWCCA?

I've actually been invited to give a short talk about the MINI world and the state of MINI clubs at my upcoming local BMWCCA membership meeting and I have a general idea of what I'll touch on, but I'm curious what everyone here thinks about the question. Where does the BMWCCA fit into the MINI world and how can MINI clubs maintain good working relationships with the BMWCCA and BMW/MINI owners?