Perusing the MINI web recently I came across this post on
I have joined the BMW Car Club of America! I do not really think of GBMINI as a BMW … but apparently some people do. Hopefully I will get some benefit from joining the group; reports if/when they happen!
As a proud member of the BMWCCA I know first hand it's many benefits. That being said I've always been of the belief that the MINI should have it's own identity and it's own owner's clubs. In fact I believe it strongly enough to have helped found the Chicago MINI Motoring Club.
Yet I've been batting around a couple questions lately. For those who already own BMWs and are in the BMWCCA is it worth finding a local MINI club to join? Or as a MINI owner that doesn't own BMWs is it worth joining the BMWCCA?
I've actually been invited to give a short talk about the MINI world and the state of MINI clubs at my upcoming local BMWCCA membership meeting and I have a general idea of what I'll touch on, but I'm curious what everyone here thinks about the question. Where does the BMWCCA fit into the MINI world and how can MINI clubs maintain good working relationships with the BMWCCA and BMW/MINI owners?
<p>I own a Cooper and not an MCS, but I wonder what the BMW folds feel about the “non-response” from BMW considering the “stumble” problem. Have they encountered a similar stone-walling about driveability problems? I don't have this problem but am concerned about their lack of response to owner's input with respect to real driveability issues.</p>
<p>I think that MINI has been fairly responsive to the concerns of owners thus far. Shocks have been revised, mugs and now cup holders are being sent out, and now BMW and Siemens engineers are working on new software to fix the stumble issue. </p>
<p>Personally I think MINI has been more responsive than BMW has over the years.</p>
<p>Before I got my MINI, I had no interest in club type activities. I have had such great times on group drives, helping others work on their cars, and the MINI web communities that I was very interested in helping out with the Chicago MINI Motoring Club.<br />
I am still a bit unsure of what the BMWCCA can offer us (as well as what we can do for them), but willing to give a listen and wait and see.
Perhaps we should do some sort of combined event/drive/activity (although I don't think I would get the same thrill seeing 30 BMW's cruising down the road as I do seeing 30 MINIs).</p>
<p>I feel like the Autocross activity alone may be worth joining Windy City BMW. They have about one AutoX a month that looks to be pretty packed with cars…including a half dozen MINIs recently!</p>
<p>Jim Michener would be a good guy to discuss this with, as he seems to be very involved in BOTH of these clubs.</p>
<p>Gabe, you know my feelings on the matter. i'm willing to entertain a partnership with BMWCCA but i'm absolutly unwilling to yield any authority or control to them.</p>
<p>there are clubs for specific models (Viper, Corvette) within brands/ownership groups, so there is precident for stand alone clubs.</p>
<p>This thread really wasn't meant to be specifically about any particular club or situation – just a general question regarding the general relationship.</p>
<p>I wasn't going to join the Bimmer club right away, as I could see a strong MINI identity being pushed from the Factory, and on-line independently.
Now that Chris, my wife, has a new 325iT, I'll join up. I was wondering if BMW was going to do something seperate on a national scale for the MINI, but it doesn't seem like it.
I've noticed most of the mags devoted to BMW usually have something on the MINI in 'em, and BMW seems glad to accept us, so after reflection, I think it's a good idea anyway. Best to have as many useful connections as possible. </p>
Rob in Dago</p>
<p>My name is Gregg Heineman, and I am the President of the Windy City BMW Club. I am also a MCS owner. I think that you will find many of us feel the same way that the Mini and BMW Clubs should remain independent, but we should be willing to co-chair events from time to time. On my Board of roughly 14 members, there are four Mini owners. We have established a separate class at our autocrosses for the Mini's. We just had our last driving school of the year at Grattan Raceway in Michigan, and we had several Mini's with varying degrees of modifications. Yes, we are the BMW Club, but we also enjoy viewing and driving other fine vehicles. Come join us….</p>
<p>Greg – thanks for commenting on this. Look forward to meeting you next week at the meeting and look forward to working with you guys in the future.</p>
<p>Gabe, I will be there next week along with my brother, Scott, who has a '02 MCS with the Works in it. Very cool. I look forward to meeting you and some of your other members.</p>
<p>I joined Badger Bimmers (a BMWCCA chapter) when I bought my MCS in July '02. I got my first two or three driving schools through them, had really good instruction at Blackhawk Farms (near Rockford) and Road America. Club members have been friendly and helpful. I attended two more club driving schools this year (one at Gingerman) and am going to Octoberfast at Road America again. After you get comfortable, you are driving alone in the intermediate group. I highly recommend the BMWCCA, especially Badger Bimmers.</p>