Sorry for the delay in providing an update on the status of MCO. Early this morning we had a hard drive fail on our server which took MCO offline. As I am currently in Topeka, KS attending the SCCA Solo 2 National Championships (and was scheduled to compete this morning) I am just now (8pm Central) starting to restore the server. Given that we regulary back up this server I'm hopeful that I'll be able to restore it quickly. In the meantime sit back and watch some television and I hope to have MCO back on the air very soon. </p>
<p>Mike, my MCS is also due in October… If your Mini is anywhere near mine (my vin #TD74679) it should be booked on the Tai Shan. It leaves the UK on 9/20 and arrives in NY on 9/28. It was finished a day earlier than my EPD of 9/12. Hopefully this helps you get your fix for a while.</p>
<p>*Is it a bad omen that my Mini was finished on 9/11??</p>
<p>Truth be told, I spend more time here or at Mini2. The software that Mark uses at MCO doesn't sit well with me. And then there's always (shameless plug) the MMG forum(<a href="http://revorg.org/miniforum" rel="nofollow ugc">http://revorg.org/miniforum</a>). But the news is certainly better here.</p>
<p>Definitely miss MCO for all the right reasons: like who's going to F1, mechanical fixes, humor of a few of top posters, pix of MINIs and other great autos. On the other hand, I've spent more time here. Thanks, Gabe</p>
<p>Amy – on MINI2 in the menubar if you select LiveWire it is very similar to the pulse…i leave both open all the time so i can keep track of them both.</p>
<p>Gabe: That's good news. Maybe it's just because I'm familiar with it, but I think vB is a much better package. (I'm only using phpBB because my host offers only that.)</p>
<p>the problem about MCO has been a bigger impact to me than 9/11. I'm not meant to be rude, but MCO is almost become part of my life. just like TV and more than a TV. may be i should say brush teeth!uhhhh! It is so good that i still can hang out in Gabe' site.</p>
<p>It has been quiet for the 09/19ers. TD 75083 no info yet, i thought it should be in the paintshop by now, but it is not! too bad! i thought it is gonna catch the TAISHAN, it does not look good! may be i'll catch the tosca!! hopefully!
From a member of “Can't wait for October club” in MCO!</p>
<p>LOl – nice email Charles. BTW I'm going to be changing the “email required thing” very shortly. It definitely can contribute to spam. I recommend anyone worried about to either put down n/a or their email with the word “at” in place of the “@” symbol.</p>
<p>You guys are always welcome to hang out here anytime. Obviously my site is meant to be a MINI news blog and not a forum but it can be almost as fun 🙂 I'll leave all the fun of maintaining forums up to Mark at MCO and Paul at MINI2.</p>
<p>I miss MCO too. But, I've spent more time on MINI2.com and appreciate that fact that it's there…</p>
<p>TD74877. Called ASK-MINI at 3:50PM CST today. Production completed today. Very excited and hope to be able to post the news on the CWFOC on MCO soon.</p>
<p>I too have spent my share of time at the various boards and have to agree MCO works for me and for some reason I can't really define MINI2 doesn't. Gabe's site is #1 for up-to-the-minute news and “insider” info…but I WANT MY MCO!”</p>
<p>Bob, My MINI was completed on 9/10 also (TD74666) and actually made it on board the Jingu Maru which set sail on 9/11 (nothing like good timing!!!). It's scheduled to be in New York on the 20th. You might want to check to see if you made it!!!! </p>
<p>Non parlo Inglese ma se puoi aiutarmi come funziona la codifica MCO,perhce siceramente e la prima volta che ne sento parlare.
Ti ringrazio per laiuto</p>
<p>BTW here's Mark's official statement:</p>
<p>Status update on MCO</p>
Sorry for the delay in providing an update on the status of MCO. Early this morning we had a hard drive fail on our server which took MCO offline. As I am currently in Topeka, KS attending the SCCA Solo 2 National Championships (and was scheduled to compete this morning) I am just now (8pm Central) starting to restore the server. Given that we regulary back up this server I'm hopeful that I'll be able to restore it quickly. In the meantime sit back and watch some television and I hope to have MCO back on the air very soon. </p>
<p>Best regards,
Mark Ferguson</p>
<p>I do! My car is due in October and I enjoyed tracking the progress of the people who have EPD's before mine.</p>
<p>However, I have been more productive at work today than normal, so it is not all bad.</p>
<p>Then again I am checking this site more frequently, so it might all be a wash.</p>
<p>Hmmm…back to work….</p>
<p>ALL MCO Users Check-in.</p>
<p>BBMykal here, MCS “Artoo”</p>
<p>Thanks to Gabe for keeping something running. roadfly.org is helping me out too.</p>
<p>I am now back on mini2 livewire (and missing MCO)</p>
<p>I've been hanging around here all day. I tried to go to MINI2, but it's not the same…</p>
<p>: (</p>
<p>I am bored out of my mind.</p>
<p>Carl's MCS is still number 8 on the 1/4 mile list.. <a href="http://www.ross-tech.net/andy/mini/dragracing/quartermile.html" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.ross-tech.net/andy/mini/dragracing/quartermile.html</a></p>
<p>Mike, my MCS is also due in October… If your Mini is anywhere near mine (my vin #TD74679) it should be booked on the Tai Shan. It leaves the UK on 9/20 and arrives in NY on 9/28. It was finished a day earlier than my EPD of 9/12. Hopefully this helps you get your fix for a while.</p>
<p>*Is it a bad omen that my Mini was finished on 9/11??</p>
<p>My EPD is 9/26, so no VIN yet and definitely no booking on a cruise ship.</p>
<p>Congrats on getting your car a day earlier. May all of us have such luck!</p>
<p>Truth be told, I spend more time here or at Mini2. The software that Mark uses at MCO doesn't sit well with me. And then there's always (shameless plug) the MMG forum(<a href="http://revorg.org/miniforum" rel="nofollow ugc">http://revorg.org/miniforum</a>). But the news is certainly better here.</p>
<p>Mine is td74883, it was just finished early today… no ww tracking info yet…. I miss MCO alot!!!</p>
<p>But I have been getting more work done as well… :)</p>
<p>Scott – actually Mark will be moving MCO to vBulletin, the software that MINI2 uses, in the next month or two.</p>
<p>MCO ID ames330 here. I opened MINI2 briefly but missed the MCO Pulse… I hope it rains here in Chicago :(</p>
<p>Definitely miss MCO for all the right reasons: like who's going to F1, mechanical fixes, humor of a few of top posters, pix of MINIs and other great autos. On the other hand, I've spent more time here. Thanks, Gabe</p>
<p>Amy – on MINI2 in the menubar if you select LiveWire it is very similar to the pulse…i leave both open all the time so i can keep track of them both.</p>
<p>I also miss MCO and for some reason mini2 never did it for me. Not sure if it is the layout or what, but I like MCO better. </p>
<p>Hope their switchover doesn't impact too much about what I like but can't describe.</p>
<p>Gabe: That's good news. Maybe it's just because I'm familiar with it, but I think vB is a much better package. (I'm only using phpBB because my host offers only that.)</p>
<p>hi guys!
we'll all be back to our slacker activities very soon….. hehehhehe
i'm more upset about it raining in chicago! :)</p>
<p>Sorry nfo! :P</p>
<p>I miss the smilies too! Gabe, you should have some for your site! Just a thought.</p>
<p>Why is it taking so long to get MCO back up and online?</p>
<p>the problem about MCO has been a bigger impact to me than 9/11. I'm not meant to be rude, but MCO is almost become part of my life. just like TV and more than a TV. may be i should say brush teeth!uhhhh! It is so good that i still can hang out in Gabe' site.</p>
<p>It has been quiet for the 09/19ers. TD 75083 no info yet, i thought it should be in the paintshop by now, but it is not! too bad! i thought it is gonna catch the TAISHAN, it does not look good! may be i'll catch the tosca!! hopefully!
From a member of “Can't wait for October club” in MCO!</p>
<p>LOl – nice email Charles. BTW I'm going to be changing the “email required thing” very shortly. It definitely can contribute to spam. I recommend anyone worried about to either put down n/a or their email with the word “at” in place of the “@” symbol.</p>
<p>You guys are always welcome to hang out here anytime. Obviously my site is meant to be a MINI news blog and not a forum but it can be almost as fun 🙂 I'll leave all the fun of maintaining forums up to Mark at MCO and Paul at MINI2.</p>
<p>tomwhill on MCO: </p>
<p>I miss MCO too. But, I've spent more time on MINI2.com and appreciate that fact that it's there…</p>
<p>TD74877. Called ASK-MINI at 3:50PM CST today. Production completed today. Very excited and hope to be able to post the news on the CWFOC on MCO soon.</p>
<p>Another MCO junkie lookin' for a fix.</p>
<p>I too have spent my share of time at the various boards and have to agree MCO works for me and for some reason I can't really define MINI2 doesn't. Gabe's site is #1 for up-to-the-minute news and “insider” info…but I WANT MY MCO!”</p>
<p>I got in MCO by doing a search, “MINICOOPERONLINE” and selecting one of the listings.</p>
<p>I miss MCO a bunch. My mcs TD74723 born 9/10 and hope to see what ship she'll be on soon.</p>
<p>Bob, My MINI was completed on 9/10 also (TD74666) and actually made it on board the Jingu Maru which set sail on 9/11 (nothing like good timing!!!). It's scheduled to be in New York on the 20th. You might want to check to see if you made it!!!! </p>
<p>Tim (aka. TiMINITim)</p>
<p>Hello all…
I'm glad to see the support. Now the good news… MCO is back online.
Happy Motoring,
<p><a href="http://www.minicooperonline.com/index.php" rel="nofollow ugc">http://www.minicooperonline.com/index.php</a></p>
<p>This URL should work.
Happy Motoring,
<p>Non parlo Inglese ma se puoi aiutarmi come funziona la codifica MCO,perhce siceramente e la prima volta che ne sento parlare.
Ti ringrazio per laiuto</p>