Here's some news from the Airzona MINI Owners:

A MINI Vacation in Vegas 2004
Friday February 6th, 2004 – Sunday February 8th, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada

Hello fellow Mini/MINI owners!

For a couple months now there have been rumors going around the Internet of a huge gathering of Mini/MINIs in Las Vegas, NV. This is to inform you this event is an official Arizona Mini Owners (AMO) event. AMO club membership is not required to participate. Both classic Minis and new MINIs are welcome! Each participant is responsible for their own expenses, including, but not limited to, gasoline, lodging, meals, tolls, park fees, show admission, etc.

The fun is starting Friday February 6th, 2004 and continuing thru Sunday February 8th, 2004. Turn this event into your family vacation. Make new acquaintances. Make it a long weekend of fun.

This is not your typical gathering in Vegas. There will be no key-note speaker, no name-tags, or the things you associate with conventions in Vegas. The Mini owners I know are much too relaxed to put up with that. What there will be is plenty of group motoring activities and tons of great company amongst Mini owners! Schedules will be flexible. This is supposed to be fun, right? Remember, there?s something for everyone in Vegas! In addition to things to do while in Vegas, other activities may include group picnics, drives to local attractions and some fun site-seeing drives.

Group rate accommodations have been arranged for this event at the Stardust Resort & Casino for only $75.00 per night for Friday and Saturday nights. This is an excellent rate for a hotel right on The Strip! Thursday and Sunday nights will be at non-peak rates meaning they will be much lower. You will need to make your own reservations by calling 1-800-634-6757 and mention group code ?MINI206?. The cut-off date is January 7th, 2004 to make reservations under this group code. Room tax, telephone, energy surcharge, and other charges may apply. When making your reservations your credit card will be charged immediately for the first nights stay. This is to secure your room. You can cancel your reservation up until 48 hours prior to arrival time, but there is a cancellation penalty. If there are fewer than 15 rooms rented per night for either Friday night or Saturday night, they will remove the discount for everyone. Be sure you understand Stardust?s reservation policies prior to making your reservation. You are not required to stay at the Stardust for this event. Feel free to make your own accommodations. However, all fun-runs will start from the Stardust?s parking lot. There are some off-Strip hotels that aren't as cool as the Stardust, but may have a better price. Contact for further details.

We encourage regional Mini clubs organize their own group drives to and from Las Vegas. Contact your local club to get the ball rolling, or if you don?t have a local club, I'm sure you can find other like-minded Mini/MINI owners to motor with from your location. It?s been rumored that people as far away as Florida are planning to motor out to Las Vegas for this event! Don?t miss out.

Happy Motoring!
Arizona Mini Owners

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