Seriously what is it with all these MCS Convertible reviews these days 🙂 Next up, the La Times/Chicago Tribune. Here's an excerpt:
The heavier car is, structurally, not as solid – this is almost always the case with drop-top versions. All these factors taken together, and spread over a 97-inch wheelbase, give the Mini convertible a harsh, rather shaky ride.
…The car is full of interesting sounds. The exhaust system is designed to snarl and burble on overrun (when the engine slows down from high rpm). It sounds more like breakfast cereal.
On the road the car retains its go-kart eagerness and quick reflexes, though it wants to skitter sideways a bit more in cornering. Hardtop or soft box, the Mini remains silly fun to toss around.
You can read the entire review here.
<p>I'm seeing double…</p>
<p>“Breakfast cereal”???</p>
<p>psssh breakfast cereal…what a discrace. either this guy really wanted some rice krispies, or he did the review before breakfast. but the exhaust does not sound like cereal. IT SOUNDS MEANS AS HELL BABAY! YEAH! haha</p>
<p>Ya, That broad shouldered Beefy British muscle tone..somethin like that.</p>
<p>” Fred Flintstone called. He wants his suspension back.”</p>
<p>Sheesh, you'd think the roads in LA aren't paved with a statement like that. Gabe, I'm curious to get your impressions driving the car in Chicago. </p>
<p>I thought it funny too that the pic's shown of the Cool Blue have 16″ not 17″ rims.</p>
<p>It sounded like the author didn't like the hard top all that much either. Thus I wouldn't see him liking the convertible. I'm curious to know what the author drives on a regular bases in LA — Perhaps an Escalade? ;-)</p>
<p>BTW, I eat my cerial dry</p>
<p>I guess I'll find out how it really is when I get my new MCSc in the next week. :-))</p>
<p>This article underlines one of the biggest “problems” with the Mini. The average person sees the Mini as a fun compact car. They see it as a lifestyle statement a-la the VW Convertible Beetle. </p>
<p>In reality, the Mini Cooper S is a fairly hard edged sports car in either hatchback or convertible form. Sure it doesn't have as much HP as you'd expect from a “sports car” but that's the compromise Mini made for the size of the car (and consequently the size of the engine bay). </p>
<p>I can't wait until the LA Times reviews the Lotus Elise. If they thought the MCS had a harsh ride and was “fidgety” try removing 1000 pounds and adding 20 horsepower. On the other hand since the Elise looks the part perhaps they won't be inclined to think it will have a plush ride.</p>
<p>I'm surprised by the generally negative tone of the article. I thought Dan was a car guy.</p>